A Special Visit…

Chesty and I went to visit Baby Camryn & family yesterday. As most of you know, Baby C’s mom (M) is also my supervisor.  M asked me several times last week if I was still coming to visit on Saturday. I assured her I would definitely be there. I thought her behavior was a bit odd, but I wrote it off as post-pregnancy weirdness.

So…we arrive at  the house and have a wonderful visit. Camryn is wide-awake and pleasant…as usual.

So…why was this visit so special? We were all in the kitchen and Mommy & Daddy  launch into a nervous speech. I immediately think it’s a new pregnancy announcement. M sees the look on my face and asked  "Do you think I’m pregnant again?" I figured it’s not best to lie in front of the baby, so I tell her yes.  M&D laughed…actually they guffawed. I nervously laughed too…while trying to guess the big news. They proceeded to tell me that they’re thankful for the support I’ve given them over the years and the important role I play in Camryn’s life…and because of my beliefs and character, they’d like me to be her godmother!


I cried and cried and cried. I can’t even begin to tell you all what an honor this is for me. The role of godparents has never been taken lightly in my family and my relationship with little C instantly changed.

With warm fuzzies,

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February 26, 2006

YAY!!! I am sooooo happy for you! That is one of the most amazing honors a person can have in life and she is absolutely so beautiful and lucky to have you as her godmother!

congratulations! she’s a beautiful baby and she has the best godmother in the world!

Aaah C!! How sweet! I miss you Sister. How are things going? I said I would update and all that good stuff soon. Anyway,I was thinking about you and love you lots. Smooches…

Congratulations, to the woman with THE best godmothering instincts in this solar system! I would also like to congratulate Camryn’s parents for their insight and wisdom, evidenced by such a stellar choice. I am the proud mommy of the GODMOTHER, thank you very much. In Louisiana, the terms of endearment are Na-nan(godmother) & Pa-ran(godfather). So, I congratulate you, Nanan Courtney!

February 26, 2006

You are going to be such a great godmother! Woohoo! :)–

February 26, 2006

awww, that so great!! you two are so angelic together! đŸ™‚

Long time lurker to your blog. but I just wanted to say congratulations on being a godmother. u 2 look so cute together.

February 26, 2006

she is just precious….you’ll make a great godmother!!!

That is great! What an honor! (Ok, I thought she was going to have Lance Armstrong in the kitchen or something when I read your title, but this beats even Lance.)

February 26, 2006

Girl, that is beautiful… and you two do look cute together……! Congrats on your new baby! lol! đŸ™‚

February 26, 2006

Beautiful. Amazingly beautiful :o)

February 26, 2006

Oh that is so awesome! When I got to the last picture I wanted to cry! She is so lucky to consider you family Court.

February 26, 2006

How stinkin cute is that outfit?? OMG!!! Congrats! đŸ™‚

February 26, 2006

Wow what an honor!!! And WHAT A CUTIEPIE THAT BABY IS!!!!! Oh, I just wanna kiss her widdo cheekies….ug. Sorry, pull myself together, but a baby that cute makes a woman of a certain age (lol) gush… Linette


AAh. Thats so Nice C. Congrats. Shes so cute!!!!! (Jackie)

February 27, 2006

great news!! congrats, god-momma đŸ˜‰

February 27, 2006

Being a Godmother is such an honor. From what I have read you take your responsibilities very seriously so you definitely will be a great Godmother. Congrats Goddy Courtney.

February 27, 2006

Aweee that is so sweet, and it is an honor to be a godmother. But you deserve it, little C will have a great godmother. congrats.

AWWWWW that is so sweet! That is a great responsibility that I know you will handle very well. Mommie Courtney! I like that! Tontoy

Congrats on being a Godmother. It is an honor. I love being a god mother BrooklynGurl@NC

March 2, 2006

Awwwww, that is such sweet and wonderful news! The beautiful photo of you two together says a lot!

ryn: hahaha you know how i do girl!

Congratulations. I’m so happy for you. `formally Mstar260 from SOWW

March 3, 2006

So I decided that we both need to go visit Kat in Jersey at the same time. Oh, so fun.

March 7, 2006

wow what a lucky child she is