Hey Folks…

Hope everyone is doing well!

I’m not sure when I’ll feel like writing a ‘"real" entry. Until then…please try to enjoy the random updates.

I don’t wanna grow up…
I received an email on Friday asking me to speak at a local high school’s geography class next week. Basically a mini-career day speech explaining how I use geography in my line of work, etc. At first I was depressed. LOL The invitation basically means I’m old now. Mom’s response made me realize that the request was very flattering and I should feel honored. Hooray for Courtney!  I had to decline the inviation due to business obligations, but I advised I would be interested in future opportunities. Pretty cool, eh? My name popped up because of my  involvement with the local ISD’s community service programs. I think I’ll forever be a Girl Scout…

Phat Camp…
3.5 months away! I’m excited and nervous. I like to push my body…and phat camp will be the most intense physical experience yet. Pray for me… 

Web stuff…
I hope to have cyclingchick.com up and running in the next few weeks. I’m thankful to have Lass onboard. My web skills are mediocre (being generous), so it’s nice to have someone that knows some thangs. I plan to forward wwdiva.com traffic and email for 3 months. After that, wwdiva will be buried. Not sure if I’ll retain ownership of the domain name…or release it for the next weight loss diva.

Bike News…
I finally purchased my road bike today! Chesty and I spent 2 hours in Richardson Bike Mart (superb service…highly recommeded). I’m so pleased with my new toy. Cycling is not a cheap sport…but it’s something I plan to do forever. After 2 years of suffering on a mountain bike (with road tires), it was definitely time to upgrade.

Details listed here

Since I have new wheels…
April 8th-Pedals & Paws-Plano, TX (20 miles) http://www.planotx.org/Pedals_Paws/
April 29th-Red Poppy Ride-Georgetown, TX (45 miles) http://www.suncitytxcyclists.org/red_poppy_ride.htm
May 6 & 7th-MS 150-Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX (150 miles/2 days) http://dallas.ms150.org/dallas/index.asp
July 30th-The Goatneck Ride-Cleburne, TX (41 miles) http://www.thegoatneck.com/
August 26th-Hotter ‘N Hell-Wichita Falls, TX (25 miles) http://www.hh100.org/

Note: All rides subject to change…because shit happens. The MS 150 is tentative. Chesty and I are training for the event and will make a final decision in mid-March. The Hotter ‘N Hell event is known for the 100 mile course. We’re taking the smaller 25 mile route because it’s in August. In Texas. In Wichita Falls.

Hope you all have a great week! I’ll check in later…


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February 5, 2006

Nice wheels! I’m sure you’ll be wracking up the miles so I’m glad you can do it with more comfort and efficiancy. It’s great that the Lass is helping you out.

You are such a rock star C!! Smooches…

February 6, 2006

yay for the new bike & the invite to speak at a school 🙂

February 6, 2006

I have an idea for the site. Unfortunately, I don’t know enough about graphic animation to do it. I’ll think of something.

February 6, 2006

same to you

what days for sure will you be here C? i can’t wait!

It does NOT mean you’re old–I asked friends to come speak at our career day, and a lot of them were in their mid-20’s at the time. It’s hardly old, AND the kids listen to younger people more than middle-aged anyhow. 🙂 Have fun with all of your activities!

February 6, 2006

Hotter ‘n Hell…..appropriate be thy name.

February 6, 2006

Girl, you are better than me… I’m not doing anything, and I do mean ANYTHING with the words “hotter ‘N hell” used… sorry but I ain’t gon’ be able to do it!!!!! But I know you can so go on with your bad self! and thanks for your prayers!

February 7, 2006

Hey chica! 🙂 Congrats on the invitation and the new bike! 🙂 I’m still too chicken to sign up for Phat camp. Maybe next year if y’all do it again. My fat heifer ass just ain’t ready for that much torture *LOL* Miss you lots!!!!

ryn: you’re the best. 🙂 i did delete my page on the space because his friends were messing with me and i got sick of it. i’ll be back though! i just want to give them time to forget about me and then i’ll make a new one. hey…maybe i’ll actually get some work done now! 🙂

I have just begun ww(3 weeks-18 pounds). I have over 200 pounds to lose. Most people I have come across have lost far less than 100 pounds and even my group leader lost 160 which is a lot less than I have to lose. I was concerned ww would not be sufficient, your success has given me hope and I appreciate that very much. Thank you! Heather (hpfan824@comcast.net)

February 9, 2006

I stumbled across this and thought about you… let me know what you think http://store.freshbodymarket.com/

February 9, 2006

RYN: Ha! I thought about your addiction as soon as I seen it…. I can’t get any ’cause I’ll be trying to eat it! just kidding! (I think…. )

I hope you are okay Courtney Girl. I miss reading your notes. Shelly P

track bikes are more fun

March 7, 2006

I had to poke in and see your new wheels. My husband bought a Trek 520 last year and he loves it. My new one is a Brodie Theta. I’ve only owned it for 2 days but I love it and despite it being 4 flipping degrees, I’ve been riding! I too have pounds to lose… somewhere between 60 & 80, I try hard not to weigh myself but once a month.

March 14, 2006

Nice bike court. And speaking at an engagement does not qualify you as old! Just successful 😉