
No title…brain is fried after today’s corporate beating.

Just some random goodness…

Vacation stuff…We’ve decided to take a trip to San Diego for Chesty’s birthday in March. Neither one of us have been, so it should be a good time. The best part? I get to meet my OD buddy Kat! I’m so glad I get to spend time with one of my weight loss warriors. Hopefully, the 3 of us can get into lots of trouble.

Cake is Crack…I had to pick up a ginormous cake to welcome the office newbies. I can still smell the buttercream in my truck. I’m not going to lie. I actually entertained the idea of calling in sick, going back home and eating the entire thing…while watching Lifetime. *sigh* But I figured going into a sugar coma wouldn’t be worth the weight gain *and* I’ve already seen "Mother, May I Sleep with Danger?" 700 times…and I’m sure that’s what Lifetime was planning to air this morning. Anyway, the cake made it into the office and the newbies thanked me. We’ll see how they feel in a few months when their clothes don’t fit. Travel Agencies=Weight Gain Centers.

Before you praise me for passing up the devil’s refreshment, I have a confession to make…in advance. Saturday night is my friend T’s birthday. A group of us are meeting for dinner at The Cheesecake Factory. I am not leaving the place without getting this:

Sooooo…save the praise for another time. LOL Because I’m going to flirt shamelessly and throw myself at the Godiva cheesecake. I’ll pay for it in the gym on Sunday…but Saturday is Party Time! Excellent!

Fitness Stuff…Everything is still moving smoothly. With the exception of the 2 lbs I’m sure to gain for Saturday,  I’m doing well.  Chicago Phat Camp is 4 months away, so I’ve been increasing the intensity of my workouts. Jen Hendershott doesn’t play around and I’m not paying $250 to be escorted from camp by CareFlight, dammit!

Camryn…Still precious and collecting a large fanbase. My favorite new photos:

Well, that’s all for now. I’m tired…will check in later. Hope everyone has a great week!


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January 23, 2006

The Cheesecake Factory is the bomb. Their Carrot Cake is sooo to die for. My favorite by far. Have fun!!!

January 23, 2006

I’ve never been to the Cheesecake Factory, that would be dangerous. Camryn makes my uterus hurt!!! You’re going to visit the wrong Kat. 🙂

January 23, 2006

I have never been to the Cheesecake Factory, thanks GOD! That Godiva cheesecake looks mighty good, I thankfully don’t even like Godiva chocolate, whew! Enjoy yourself. Camryn is too cute, the first picture is so sweet!

January 23, 2006

You guys will have so much fun with Kat! I love her. I get to meet her in March in Denver for St. Patrick’s Day. Good times. That cheesecake looks so sinful. I’m in my 3rd week of Weight Watchers, so you know I’m fiending for some cheesecake. Camryn is so beautiful!

I CAN’T WAIT! WE’RE GOING TO HAVE A BLAST!!!! The Cheesecake Factory was built by the devil. I just want to kiss that baby’s cheeks for days!

January 23, 2006

I have never eaten a dessert at teh cheesecake factory. I always am too full after dinner. I LOVE the sauteed spinach and I usu get the shrimp club. mmm… linette

January 24, 2006

that baby is too cute! girl, the cake looks like orgasm on a plate. If I see “Mother, May I Sleep With Danger?” one more time, I’m gonna scream!

January 24, 2006

I had a piece of their chocolate mousse cheesecake 2 weekends ago… oh my lord it’s to die for!!! I couldn’t finish the whole thing though… Lee couldn’t finish hers either… she got the kaluha one. Miss you chica!!!! I think you guys should come visit me for my birthday 🙂

January 24, 2006

she is too cute for words!! those pics are gorgeous!

Why is it that on babies fat rolls are so damned cute, but on a 30-something woman they’re just gross? That cheesecake looks awesome. All things in moderation–and if you’re going to splurge, you may as well make it worthwhile!

January 24, 2006

Those picture of the baby are ADORABLE, but I can’t get over the picture of the cake, LOL.

January 24, 2006

I had a cake orgasm jsut looking at that photo

January 24, 2006

You are an evil woman C. That cake is dangerous. Enjoy every bite.

January 24, 2006

awww isn’t she lovely! camryn is just a sweetie! Good luck with Phat Camp I’ve read alot about it in Oxygen mags. Have fun on chesty’s birthday! Don’t eat too much cake.

DON’T CRY! it’s more than likely going to be the first 2 weeks of april now.

January 28, 2006

the cheesecake looks sooooooooo tasty. i have a triathlon to start trainin for :(. damn tasty cheesecake!

February 1, 2006

a word of caution. My sister used to post pictures of her baby and then she found out that some wacko woman on some really nasty perverted site was claiming that they photos were of HER baby and had them titled with fake names-like my mom…labeled aunt so-and-so. She must have found them on google images. Anytime you upload a picture, it can be found there. Try to right-click protect yours.

February 1, 2006

it was very very frightening to see my nephew being claimed by this nut-job. In todays world where women kill other women to steal thier babies, you cant be too careful. So, anyway..that was cheery huh. Beautiful baby by the way.

radio that’s the password. 🙂