Insane in the Membrane…

Work sucks. Seriously…I got spoiled by the slow holiday season. Corporate travel is practically nonexistant during December. I enjoyed taking 3 hour shopping lunch breaks with Red…or being approved to work 1/2 days. It’s so hard to work a full 8-hour day now…I think I might just die.

Everything else is going well. The boy and I had a nice long talk after NYE and we’re both going to be open to whatever may happen between us in 2006. We’ll see…my guard is still up. Don’t lecture me about it…that’s just how it is!

Camryn’s mommy came back to work yesterday and she is so distraught. She took 12 weeks of maternity leave…must be rough coming back and leaving this sweet face at daycare:

Exercise/clean eating are both on track. Day 4 of the new year and I have 3 workouts logged…hooray!

Random Cool Fact: Google went Braille today in honor of Lous Braille’s birthday.

To the person asking sorority info…I belong to a national service sorority. We partied on Friday nights and built Habitat for Humanity houses on Saturday mornings. LOL After 12 years of Girl Scouts, y’all know I would have been lost in college without my charity.

Well…that’s it for now. I’ll check in later this week. Hope everyone is doing well.


P.S. Here’s the obligatory team well wishes…

Hook ’em Horns!

LOL I know Lass is going to be pissed…but it’s USC vs. Texas for the National Championship. I’m not trying to get shot for rooting for the other team.

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January 4, 2006

Wow half days must be really nice. Looks to be an interesting game. I’d hate to leave that beautiful baby doll in daycare too 🙁

did you check out my heroes section on my myspace? 🙂

January 4, 2006

hrmph…bleh TU bleh! *cheers for USC*

January 4, 2006

OMGosh….what a BEAUTIFUL baby…..Yup uh huh, *nods*, it would be hard to leave that cutie-pie.

January 4, 2006

Well done on the 3 workouts…just one done for me.

January 5, 2006

It was an awsome game last night! Hook ‘Em Horns! Oh yeah, btw, that baby is ADORABLE!

January 5, 2006

Alpha Phi Omega? Are we bros? 🙂

January 5, 2006

YAY! Horns won!!! Texas Rocks!!!!!!!!

OH SNAP! YOU READ MY MIND! that was exactly what i was thinking my 100 pound lost prize would be.