2006 Focus…

Resolutions stress me out…so I’m just going to focus on my focus…ya dig?
-5 fitness events (cycling/running)
-Survive Phat Camp (May ’06-Chicago, IL)
-"virgin fat territory"-I’m not setting an actual weight loss goal for the year. I simply want to weigh less than I do now.
-Work hard to make tentative fitness events happen (Danskin TRI & MS150)
-Less processed foods…More whole foods
-Out with wwdiva.com…In with cyclingchick.com. The entire transition will take awhile to complete, but I’ve purchased the new domain name and changed my OD moniker.
-Better attitude at work. I’m not mean without justification…but I need to watch my temper. No point in working hard to reach ultimate health if someone hires a hitman to deal with my bitchy ass.
-School is actually happening now…so my goal is to apply myself and get ‘r done…
-I have a project in the works with Red & Chesty. My goal is to create a business plan and get the ball rolling.
-Spend more time with family and friends…
-Less judgmental…More supportive
-Maintain existing relationship/donation schedule with existing local non-profits
-Join the Girl Scout mentor program. I had 12 great years in the organization…it’s time to give back.
-Get involved with my sorority’s alumni group

Well..I think that is more than enough focus at this point. As always, I thank you guys for supporting me in this crazy journey…and staying with me through this transition.

Happy New Year!

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December 31, 2005


Sounds very good. I like the way you broke this down…I may steal some stuff. What sorority are you in? Smooches…

December 31, 2005

Happy New Year! You’ve made great progress in 2005 and I’m sure 2006 will be even better. Thanks for all the inspiration and for sharing your journey.

Wow, another cyclist.. I mean a female cyclist *faints*. I love cycling, have two bikes and all the gear to prove I’m a fanatic, LOL. Thanks for stopping by. Yes, 2006 will be better. Have a great New Years too. 😀

December 31, 2005

Awesome goals! Happy New Year! The new name is very you.

December 31, 2005

Happy New Year!!

HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Great goals!

December 31, 2005

wonderful goals! Much love to you and yours, linette, who is sipping too much champagne

January 1, 2006

I’m always amazed at you. I have no doubt you’ll keep all these resolutions and then some. Thanks for always being an inspiration. And I’m also proud of the new domain name — its more about who you are instead of what you’re trying to become. What a transition!

happy new year!

January 1, 2006

Good goals indeed! Happy New Year! ~sarah

You go, CyclingChick! Here’s to a fabulous 2006.

January 2, 2006

that’s great, girl. 🙂 happy new year to you, too 🙂

January 2, 2006

Wonderful goals for 2006. I’m looking forward to reading about all of your progress! 🙂

January 3, 2006

Love the new name. Happy New Year and as everyone before me has stated you are such an inspiration.

January 3, 2006

Love the new name! Your goals look fab – I was in Scouts for 12 years too. When Katie gets a little older – hopefully she’ll be interested – I’d love to be a troop leader.

Well go ‘head miss CyclingChick!!! I am a big fan no matter what your name is or becomes. You sooooo rock!!! I wish you a very Happy New Year with more blessings than your heart can stand. You are such a shining star! All the best!!! PS. PLEASE TELL US WHICH SORORITY YOU ARE IN!! 🙂

January 4, 2006

Hi I just came across your diary, I too am starting WW on thursday night. You look fab!