Ticket to Ride…

Hey Folks…

I hope everyone is having a great week. I’ve been eating well and busting my ass in the gym…and I finally mapped out my professional plan of attack. I’ll post more details later, but  "school" and "wellness center internship" are buzz phrases.  It’s a pity that losing weight doesn’t automatically earn a degree in nutritional science. The good news is that a decent amount of credits will transfer (so 3 years of working towards a marketing degree aren’t totally wasted). More good news: my student loan will be paid off before the summer session starts.

Other stuff…Chesty and I went to see Little Miss Camryn on Saturday. She’s so precious. My stupid "mommy clock" was going off big time during the visit. Not.Ready.For.Motherhood. Despite the obvious reasons: I’m going back to school, I’m totally selfish, I like most of my disposable income to be spent on trips, cosmetics and geek electronics…Who would the Daddy be? Mr. J? I don’t think so. He’s nice enough…but baby daddy material? I’ll need to see financial statements first. teehee. On a slightly related note, gay boyfriend #7 has asked me to be a surrogate…again. This whole topic (joke) surfaced a few years ago and apparently it won’t die. He’s determined to have a biracial baby. I told him the "hot" baby for 2006 will be from Cambodia. Look at little Maddox Jolie-Pitt. LOL

Sorry…I got off track (imagine that). Here are the new pics of Baby C:

After the baby visit, Chesty and I headed to Northeast Mall. Oh my lawd, it was crazy! I only had to make two stops: Sephora and Hallmark…and it was a battle. While walking through the mall, we stopped at the Hickory Farms stand to see if they had the new Peppermint Meltaways. We’ve been wanting to try them for weeks and the other HF locations were sold out. We finally found them and bought 2 bags. Before anyone screams in protest, the Peppermint Meltaways are only 70 calories for 3 pieces. They’re so rich…3 is plenty. When we got home, I divided one bag into individual serving sizes. The other bag will be set out for guests. We’re hosting Christmas dinner at our apartment again…and they’ll look nice on the appetizer/snack table. It’s all about preeeeesentation. 

What else is going on…I received a letter and certificate from the adopt-a-family program. My office did a fantastic job.  As the company "charity chick", I’m so proud!  We also received a thank you note from the mother of the family we adopted. *warmfuzzy*

Well, I guess that’s it for now. I’ll check in later this week. I have 2006 fitness goals to post (exciting, I know).

Until later,

P.S. If any of you plan to travel for Christmas, be safe and warm!

P.S. The Sequel: I forgot to explain the title of this entry. G cornered me in class on Sunday and encouraged me to ride in the new MS 150 Route. Dallas to Fort Worth. It’s in May…think I can train for it? I’d loooooooooove to have a Tri-Divas reunion for the event.  Chesty…Diva…JerseyGirl…Activate Power Thighs! LOL

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Merry Christmas Sister! I’m flying out this morning. Smooches…

December 20, 2005

I am just so, so impressed by you and your fitness accomplishments. I love the massive yawn picture! So cute. :)–

December 20, 2005

Baby C is just adorable!!! I’m leaving Saturday morning for my parents…dreading the traffic. Have a very Merry Christmas!

December 20, 2005

that baby is too cute!!!

Those look good girl!!! I am going to have to try some, what is on the menu for Christmas Dinner! Are you inviting J over! Do you have some mistletoe out! Come on Share with your friends!!! Merry Christmas tontoy

December 20, 2005

Merry Christmas, Diva 🙂 *Huge Hugs*

December 20, 2005

have a great christmas, girl!

December 20, 2005

Your diary is exploding with energy…reflecting a life well lived.

December 20, 2005

Have a happy holiday. Did I miss the Christmas party entry. I was looking forward to a report and I wanted to see the dress you wore. What’s good C?

Cute baby, yummy peppermints, and a big N-O to the whole pregnant but not having a baby when all is said and done thing. Everyone is different, but I can’t see doing this for someone else for less than $500K. Seriously. Being pregnant isn’t all that fun, but at least I’ll have a baby when I’m finished. 🙂

December 20, 2005

what’s a peppermint meltaway?

December 21, 2005

hey have a joy filled holiday

December 22, 2005

awww baby camryn is just too cute for her own good :D. Oh yeah I’m fishing for the christmas party knock em dead dress pics too…..*will be waiting on posts lol* anyhoo you are kicking butt with the fitness goals I’m hanging in there too still going strong on that pyramid challenge lol. phase 3 will be coming around soon. Oh yeah and Good luck on the bike route!I’m gonna train for a 10k run soon

December 23, 2005

What a darling baby! Tugs at MY mommy strings too, and I am DONE with that–my “baby” is 18 and I just bailed her outta jail last week. Lol linette