
Tagged by Jersey Girl


Given a topic, you are to write down your answers in your diary, and then send the same topic to 5 other people. Write down the names of these 5 people and link to them on your entry. Go visit their diary to notify them that they are tagged. The 5 people who are tagged should, in their own diary, write down the name and the link of the person who tagged them, answer the same topic, and send it to another 5 people, etc.

Topic: Quirks

1. I am totally addicted to bath/body products..this month’s fave is Santa’s Bakery from Coconut Hut Beauty.

2. I have no desire to go to work tomorrow. I need another vacation!

3. I like to sleep with the ceiling fan on high, air conditioning if necessary, and a nice heavy blanket (must be a Yankee thing, D…LOL)

4. Until just recently I hated staying late at the office. With the holiday party 4 weeks away, I need the extra time to schmooze vendors for free tickets, etc. for prizes.

5. When I am tired I simply shut down.

6. Sometimes I have a sudden urge to move to the USVI…

7. I love my family and friends…

8. I collect perfumes, shot glasses and dramatic friends…

9. Sometimes in the middle of a conversation I will interrupt people…terrible habit…must do better.

10. When I get home from work my favorite thing to do is to take my shoes and bra off (TMI) and greet the Super Schnauzers…

Diva tags… SD-Kat, JennDiva, Haddie, Jadalove, Ankhesenamun

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November 9, 2005

*raises eyebrow* My name seems to be smaller than everyone else’s…does that really mean I’m tagged? LOL.

awwww yeah baby! first one tagged!!!!!

Yes Sister!!! Take OFF the BRA! Smooches…

Hi! i am a long time reader, and very occasional commenter (i think i even emailed you a few times!) i just had to pop in and say THANK YOU for the link to the coconut hut – they have a new and loyal customer in me now! DELICIOUS smelling products! (i got the chocolate dipped candy cane. YUUUMMM!) thanks thanks thanks! – alice