Prayers Needed…*UPDATE*

My aunt was hospitalized today for pneumonia and had a stroke will being admitted. October has been a stressful month. Novmaber has to be an improvement, eh?

If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it.

Thanks for all the kind notes/emails. đŸ™‚ My aunt is doing fairly well. She actually had two "mini" strokes. The CT scan of her heart/lungs yesterday just revealed fluid on the lungs (which we already knew…). Today is the brain scan, so I’ll know more this afternoon. She’s also receiving breathing treatments to battle her asthma. The last 48 hours have been exhausting. FYI, this is my great-aunt. My mom is an only child (and I don’t have a relationship with my father’s family), so "Auntie" is all I have. I appreciate the concern and kind words. I’ll post another update when I can.

By the way, Bentley is back to 100%. We played catch for awhile last night. Well…it’s supposed to be "catch"…but I throw the toy, he runs to retrieve it…and then I have to fight him to get it back. LOL We’ll work on that…

Hope everyone is having a great week. I’ll be posting BFTC Phase II this evening.


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October 31, 2005

My thoughts with you and yours. *Hugs*

October 31, 2005

oh hon!! *hugs* my prayers are with you.

I’m praying now. The peace of Christ be with you. Blessings… Smooches…

October 31, 2005

You are in my thoughts and prayers… I hope Nov. turns out to be better for you and yours. Please let us know if more prayers are needed… best wishes

Sorry to hear this. Hope she is better soon.

October 31, 2005

Prayers–done. Take care–

Sorry to hear that Courtney. Prayers made. (Jackie)

November 1, 2005


November 1, 2005

best wishes, but you couldn’t have said it any better-i really like your quote about God…so true!!

November 1, 2005

*hug* Supposedly these things come in threes, so with this, your pup, and your car, you should be done.–

November 1, 2005

I will keep your aunt and fur baby in my prayers.

November 1, 2005

my thoughts are with you and your family… take care dear!

November 1, 2005

*HUGS* Extra thoughts and prayers coming your way!

November 1, 2005

I will send all my best vibes to your aunt. Hope she is improving. Linette

November 1, 2005

Sending prayers your way. It will get better, This too shall pass. I hope all is well please keep us updated on this. *hugs*

November 1, 2005

My prayers are with your family. God Bless.

November 2, 2005

I hope the best for your Aunt. At Weight Watchers on Monday I spoke of you and how amazing you are. Your story of the bermuda Triangle always holds me through the Halloween-Thanksgiving-Holidays.

Thanks for the update. This is good to hear. Smooches…

I will be praying for her, I know what it is like having a small family! Tontoy

November 2, 2005

Though she is doing well, I will continue to keep your Aunt and the fury one in my prayers. đŸ™‚ Hang in there girl *hugs*

November 2, 2005

Glad everything is looking up for you. I took some time to do some soul searching and came up with a solution. “Stop running and face my problems” About damn time huh…lol. God Bless Formally Mstar260

November 2, 2005

My dog plays the “I’ve got it and you don’t” kind of tag as well. I hope it’s all good news for your aunt tomorrow.

November 4, 2005

Althought this note is a little late, my thoughts and prayers and with you and your auntie. Hope she is much better by now. May God be watching over her (and your family)