
Hey Family…

Work…Still busy from the post-hurricane rescheduling. My next check will have a crazy amount of involuntary OT. You can bet I’ll be treating myself to something nice. October is my first month without a truck payment.  I plan to save the majority of the surplus…but a sistah needs some toys. I really like the new  ipod nano.  Yes, I know  for $50 more I can get the 20GB iPod…but the nano is so cute! Decisions…

Fitness…Chesty and I are still kicking ass in the BFTC. I feel strong and healthy…and most importantly…in control. My body adores clean eating, so I must continue. Going clean until Turkey Day (which really won’t be THAT much of a splurge). I just have to have my mama’s homemade mac & cheese and fried turkey. *drooling*

Boys…I still like them. I’ve been hit on my two lesbians recently…flattering…but unfortunately  I’m attracted to the dumb stick. J has been extra attentive lately…and the jury is still out on whether that’s a good thing or not. I’d say more, but my little ol’ journal ain’t so little anymore.

LAF…The big ride is 2 weeks from today! I can’t believe that we’re aiming for the 40-mile course! I’d love to complete a century ride (100 miles) before I turn 30 (9/18/07 for those planning to attend my big bash).

Vacations…Nothing major planned for the rest of the year (so the haters can stop hatin’!). However, we’re planning a group trip to either Nassau or St Kitts for Chesty’s birthday in March. Since Mardi Gras is out next year, I’d also like to plan a Vegas excursion before summer. Hopefully Red, Tucker, Tara and Roxie will be able to join us.

Book…I just finished Conversations with the Fat Girl by Liza Palmer. Very funny…American author with British wit. Definitely more realistic than the "fat turned fabulous" champion, Jemima J.

From Publishers Weekly:
Palmer debuts with the latest sprightly entry in the ever-expanding category of light romantic comedies starring plus-sized heroines. Maggie has been best friends with fellow fat girl Olivia since they were 12. Following gastric bypass surgery at 22, however, Olivia grows increasingly unrecognizable. Now 27, she’s engaged to Adam, a fat-phobic Ken doll, and although Maggie is to be the maid of honor, she feels less and less a part of Olivia’s skinny new life. After Olivia disappoints her old friend again and again, Maggie sets in motion a long-overdue and explosive confrontation and walks into the arms of the colleague—busboy to her barista—whom she’s had a crush on for ages. By that time, in true chick-lit style, Maggie is both earnestly at work improving herself and being loved for her true, unimproved self. And though Palmer doesn’t moralize, it’s when Maggie starts to make her own, more realistic wishes come true—by taking a better job and signing up with a trainer instead of a surgeon—that she sees her love requited. It turns out her instincts were good—as are Palmer’s.


 Hope everyone has a great week!


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I bought the iPod nano, definitely cute! I initially wanted the larger iPod, but for me, really, I don’t know that I even LIKE that many songs! The nano seems perfect for me. 🙂 Just my opinion. LOL

October 9, 2005

Very impressive eye candy! …and it doesn’t ruin your diet. Let’s hear it for being in control…and an extra cheer for the planning and motivation it took to get there!!!

October 9, 2005

Men in camo just don’t do it for me…guess I like the sensitive types…lol… Linette

Yeah, I’m a hater!! Good to know that you will stop wasting other people’s money on LAVISH trips. Gosh!! You dang on travel agents!! You know I love you C! I’m looking forward to your pics from the LAF race. It will be a blast. I love you Sister!! Smooches…

October 9, 2005

i read your entry. i swear. i really did. but you threw me off with that pic of LL (aka my future husband… he just doesn’t know it yet!)

October 9, 2005

I agree with the above noter. I read your entry but the candy at the end has blocked my memory of everything that happened today up until this point… Wow! That’s all I can say.

October 9, 2005

actually, i think for $50 more you get the 40GB. i don’t think the 20GB iPod is being sold anymore.

October 10, 2005

OMG. He is SO ripped. Then again, I loved him when he had a little more meat on his bones. That mouth of his–to die for.

October 10, 2005

Courtney you continue to be such a source of inspiration. Good luck on your ride. That picture of LL – Wow!!!

October 10, 2005

ryn: ooooo, i hadn’t realized the 20GB was still sold!

I read that the nano has problems with the screens easily cracking or becoming scratched, so check into that. I believe that LL has had some help with his look.:o) Deljah

October 11, 2005

MAN!!! Yall get ipods for 50$ for 20GB? up here they are so expensive like close to $100.00 or more. I was interested in getting one and the closest I got to one was some rinky dink one that they had for like $69.99 man I need to move to Texas!!
