Diva Weekend: Special Birthday Edition *edit*

Hey Folks!

First, a bit of business. I’m still slammed at work. Damn Katrina…and her bitchy ass sister, Ophelia! Fitness…I’ve officially recovered from the PVR trip. I drank entirely too much tequila. *shudder* Yes, I know I’m slacking on the pictures. I haven’t even uploaded them to the computer yet. Life has been busy, ok?!? Reunion stuff…it seems that most of my "inner circle" from high school isn’t planning to attend. I think it’s a mix between indifference and the crazy price tag ($75/person). A friend suggested we do a mini-reunion of our own instead. Basically a chance to meet up with the people from high school you really cared for…and none of the fluff folks. I thought about it…and while initially I wanted to strut my new (still chubby…but much improved) body, I realize I’d rather spend the evening with real friends. If my buddies aren’t going to be at the school reunion, what fun will that be? So…the plan is to have a smaller gathering  during the same weekend.

Attention Krissy P: If you read this (and I know you probably will)…email me now! You will be at the anti-reunion party, hoochie!

So…am I disappointed? Absolutely not. Lynn and I are both doing our own thing with the people that really matter. We’ll have our big reveal on the Oprah Show. Other fitness news…I am creating a "Bermuda Food Triangle" Challenge. For the newbies, the BFT represents Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas. Basically the 3 months were most people lose will power and gain rolls and dimples (not the cute kind). I’ll post more details next week.

Enough business…now for the fun stuff.

Diva’s 28th Birthday Weekend!

Friday 9/16-Chesty and I took off from work so we could go gamble at WinStar. Surely I can win some $ on my birthday weekend, right? After leaving the casino, we’re going to shop at the Gainesville Outlet and grab lunch at Applebee’s (yes, I am staying on track). The most important event today? I MAKE MY LAST TRUCK PAYMENT! I’m going to keep it for a year…that’s just extra money in the bank, my friends. Since some of you are smartasses…yes, I’ll make my payment BEFORE I hit the casino. LOL

Saturday 9/17-Another shopping trip. Sephora, Aveda and VS are on my list…simply because I received birthday offers from them and I’m all about the free stuff. Later in the day, I’m heading to the salon to get my ‘do fixed up. My friend Tara is driving from Houston to celebrate with me. She’s never been to our special club…so guess where the party is? That ol’ bouncer might get lucky…

Sunday 9/18 (Diva’s Birthday)-Happy Birthday to Me! I also share birthday honors with Lance Armstrong and James Gandolfini….two of my favorite celebrities…but you already knew that. The plan for today (besides admiring my 28-year old phat ass) is lunch and a movie with Mom and brother.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!


EDIT: A few people have asked about my comment regarding The Oprah Show. Lynn and I are not planned future guests…YET. It’s basically just a big dream and a slight possibility. Jenn and I have been talking about storming Harpo Studios and just taking the show hostage for awhile. If we add Lynn to the mix, there are over 500 lbs lost between the 3 of us…without surgery, pills or crash diets. Now…if that’s not must-see TV, I don’t know what is!  Anyway, just had to clear that up. I didn’t want anyone setting their TiVo just yet. LOL

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September 16, 2005

Happy Birthday!!! I wish you many, many, many more to come….. All the best.

September 16, 2005

Happy Birthday, have a great weekend! Congrats on that last truck payment!!

September 16, 2005

Happy Birthday!

September 16, 2005

Happy birthday! Congrats on the last truck payment and have a good weekend!

happy birthday because ill forget between now and then

September 16, 2005

have a wonderful birthday darling!!! 🙂

September 16, 2005

happy birthday, and happy last truck payment!!!

September 16, 2005

Happy Early Birthday to my most admired Diva! Sephora, Aveda and VS, I smell North Park mall, am I right? Have a blast girly, and once again, happy b-day.

Happy Birthday Diva. I know you are gonna live it up. Dang it…I HATE YOU!! Smooches…

Happy 28th Birthday Courtney!!!! (Jackie)

September 16, 2005

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DIVA!!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

September 16, 2005

Happy Birthday to you. Can’t wait for the triangle challenge.

September 16, 2005

Happy BIRTHDAY to yooouuuuuuu!!!!! Good thing I am not singing in person cuz I can’t carry a tune in a bucket. Linette PS–just paid off my car, too….lovely feeling!

September 16, 2005

my granparents anniversary is on that day too. I think its going to be 65 years for them.

September 16, 2005

Happy early B-Day! Have fun. : )

Happy birthday Diva!

September 16, 2005

Have a great birthday weekend!!

September 17, 2005

happy happy birthday! I think ur wonderful & are u going to be on The Oprah Show – did i just read that right 🙂

September 18, 2005

Happy Happy Birthday!

September 18, 2005

Happy Birthday, C!

September 18, 2005

Here’s hoping you got lucky at the casino and lucky with whoever you wanted (if that’s appropriate)…or maybe I misunderstood your comment about the bouncer.

September 19, 2005


September 19, 2005

Happy belated birthday to you!

September 19, 2005

happy belated birthday!!!!! (sorry, I was out of town)

September 19, 2005

RYN: Thanks, diva! 🙂 It feels good to be back on track again 🙂 I gotta get caught up to you so that we can be on Oprah together. I don’t want you to have to postpone on account of my pathetic losses *LOL* 🙂

Hey Girlie! If I got on Oprah and got to sit on the stage with her then so can you. It is easier to be a guest that it is to get tickets to sit in the audience goto her link and look for dramatic weight loss stories I KNOW YOU WILL GET IN! I was just on her site and that is one of the guest topics. Send before and after pictures and a letter. TONTOY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

September 21, 2005

happy belated birthday diva.