Guess Who? **update**

Hey Family…

I just wanted to let you all know we made it back safely. I appreciate the concerned emails/notes. Luckily, PVR is on the opposite coast of Katrina’s warpath. We had light rain for a couple of days, but nothing severe.

I have several family members in Louisiana (Baker/Bogalusa areas). Most have checked in…but 2 are still MIA. I’ll keep you all posted…

As for the trip, it was fabulous. Red’s 30th birthday bash will definitely be an affair to remember. I’m a tired heifer right now, so I’ll post more this weekend. If you have any relatives/friends affected by the storm, let me know. *activating the prayer line*


Donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort


All of my family in Louisiana is safe and accounted for…thank God. Please continue to pray for everyone affected by the storm. Thanks again for your concern…I love my online family. 🙂

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Sounds like you had a wonderful time. Good thing you missed the storm, whew. <p style ="background-image: url(; background-repeat:no -repeat; background-attachment: scroll;width:30;height:25″>

It’s so good to have you back. Please send prayers to the people of the Coast. I finally talked with my family, and OH LORD, what a blessing! Smooches…

Glad you’re back Diva! Your family are in my prayers. I love you girlie!

September 2, 2005

Heifer…I don’t see you as the bovine species at all. Tired feline?

September 3, 2005

I am glad you had a great time and are safe at home, hoping and praying you hear that the rest of your family in Louisiana will contact you soon and that all will be safe and well-cared for.

September 3, 2005

When I think of New Orleans, I also think of you, and the stories that you posted about your times there. I hope all your family members are safe now Diva.

September 3, 2005

*whew* glad you’re ok 🙂

September 3, 2005

I hope you hear from your family soon, Court. I went to Weight Watchers this week for the first time in months! And I’ve followed program since Tuesday. Yay!

September 3, 2005


September 4, 2005
September 4, 2005

I’m so glad to hear your family are alive…a place we can move on from.

September 4, 2005

Love you too!

September 4, 2005

Welcome back — glad you had a good time and that all your relatives are safe! I can’t wait to hear the details, later.–

September 4, 2005

Huh, weird, that note shouldn’t have been centered.–

Glad you are back and very happy to hear all of your family are safe and well. God Bless.

September 5, 2005

Thanks for the air of relief with where you all were actually at. And thank God your family is okay. I’m continually praying for all of the families down on the gulf.