Fun with ABCs…

A-Age: 27

B-Blood Type: B+

C-Candy you prefer: None! I’m swearing off sweets this month! No mo’ crackish cravings!

D-Dream that frequently returns: Drowning…eek!

E-Easiest person to talk to: Mom

F-Favorite songs at the moment: "Gotta Go Gotta Leave"-Vivian Green, "Lose Control"-Missy E

G-Game you currently play: None

H-Hometown: Dallas 

I-Instruments: Violin

J-Job you wanted to get once: interior designer

K-Kind of things you collect: Purses, shot glasses, bath products…

L-Longest Car ride ever: Dallas to New Orleans (7.5 hours…but eating beef jerky, flirting with truckers and singing disco hits while heading to Mardi Gras is as good as it gets…)

M-Means of transportation you prefer:  Airplane

N-Number of siblings: 1 

<spanclass=”entrytext”>O-Oldest sibling: I’m the first born…shocking, eh? LOL

P-Phobia[s]: snakes, mice

Q-Quote you like: The fact that the adult American Negro female emerges a formidable character is often met with amazement, distaste and even belligerance. It is seldom accepted as an inevitable outcome of the struggle won by survivors, and deserves respect if not enthusiastic acceptance. -Maya Angelou

R-Reason to smile: I am truly blessed

S-Song you sang last: “Fame"-Irene Cara…I’ve been playing on LimeWire too much lately…

T-Time you wake up: 6:00am…5:00am when I’m going to spin class

U-Unknown fact about me: I’m left handed…

V-Vegetable you hate: beets and lima beans *gag*

W-Worst habit: Biting my nails

X-Xrays you’ve had: ankle

Y-Yummy food: Don’t get my started…

Z-Zodiac sign: Virgo, of course!    

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Cool, I’m left-handed, too!

August 2, 2005

Lima beans have to be THE grossest thing…and harvard beets…don’t even go there. You know your yicky veggies WWDiva.

August 3, 2005

I forgot you were a Virgo

August 3, 2005

7 1/2 hours is your longest car ride, yet you’ve flown all over. I don’t know why that seems odd to me. 🙂

Love this…I may have to steal it.

August 3, 2005

i didn’t know you were a leftie!

August 3, 2005

eeewwwww! Lima beans and beets.. just thinking about it makes me wanna throw up!

August 3, 2005

mmmmmmmmmmm, lima beans

August 4, 2005

I just had “Fame” in my head the other day, for some random reason… 5, 6 a.m.?! Gack!–