
Thanks Kat!

::Ten years ago:: I was 17…high school grad…living at home…counting down the days until I could start dorm life

::Five years ago:: I was 22…drinking/partying entirely too much…

::One year ago:: I was 26…not settled into my career of choice…but making decent $ and flying for FREE

::Yesterday:: Bitch of a day…work was crazy…and my boobs itched…TMI? Yes…Pregnant? No

::Today:: I am in a better mood…had a "skinny day"…heading to the gym later…and plan to split time between the Tour de France and HP6

::Tomorrow:: Up at 5am…Godiva’s spin class at 6

::Five snacks I enjoy:: popcorn, fat free pudding, goldfish, apples, Luna bars

::Five bands/singers I know the lyrics to most of their songs:: Dave Matthews Band, Lauryn Hill, EWF, Maroon 5, Sarah McLachlan

::Five things I would do with $100,000,000:: pay off credit cards, new house, open a wellness center, charity, invest

::Five things I like doing:: read, travel, shop, exercise, hang out with friends

::Five things I wish I could wear:: bikini, size 10, shorts to work, stilettos, cone bra (kidding)

::Five tv shows I like:: Six Feet Under, Queer as Folk, Sopranos, Carnivale, What Not to Wear (BBC version)

::Five movies I like:: Friday, Four Rooms, Hitch, Beaches, Ray

::Five famous people I’d like to meet:: Oprah, J.K. Rowling, Lance Armstrong, Denzel Washington, James Gandolfini

::Five people I’m tagging:: Jersey Girl At Heart, Blessed Beauty, Jadalove, TheLassThatLost, JennDiva

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July 19, 2005

*does the ‘not tagged’ butt shake*

July 19, 2005

I could never wear stilettos. I’d so murder myself. I lack grace in a big way.

July 19, 2005

Tagged?!?!?! lawd, help me!

July 20, 2005

A new tag game. I like this one.

July 20, 2005

You forgot to mention that you would give part of that 100,000,000 to me….or maybe that falls under charity! 🙂

great quiz. think i’ll use it and pass it on. carol (bham uk)

cone bra? impressive!

July 20, 2005

Tagged? Me? Easy there!!! 🙂

July 20, 2005

cool “tagging” game. cool answers.

July 20, 2005

RYN: 🙁

July 22, 2005

lmao…cone bra…i know you aren’t kidding lol :p RYN: oy, it was bad. i’m sure Ankh was ready to roll on the floor at my worry.

July 24, 2005

james gandolfini?

July 26, 2005

ryn: i know who he is, silly. i’m just wondering why him 🙂

July 26, 2005

Ack!!! I got tagged!!! That’ll teach me for not checking in once in a while *LOL* 🙂

July 28, 2005

RYN: LOL!!! Yeah I can totally see her thinking that! That couch probably cost more than my CAR!!!! I wanna bitchslap him for all the shit he was talking about Brooke Shields. Vitamins and exercise my ass.

July 28, 2005

RYN: I know that’s right!

Hey there i’ve lurked for quite some time. Nice blog. great progress, you are one cycling diva. you go girl! MrsDawsondn