Fun Fridays…

Management is threatening promising to roll out something fun! fun! fun! Oy…has everyone seen Office Space? I swear I work at Initech…only we provide travel reservations to major corporations…and while I don’t have to worry about TPS reports…it’s equally mundane.

We had several Marriott representatives in the office yesterday. Along with the usual information and sweets overload (which I gladly gave away), there were several prize drawings. I ended up winning a free stay for Houston…so I’ll be planning another trip to see Jersey Girl and Cassie soon. I miss my little diva. She’s getting teeth now…hopefully she’s a biter like Auntie Courtney.

So…I mentioned that my friend K is getting married in the fall. While I’m very happy for her…you know I’m also worried about the dreaded bridesmaid dress. The event is in November, so I’m hoping to avoid sleeveless/strapless numbers that will cause fear-induced insomnia. Right now she’s leaning towards something very figure friendly (below)…so let’s hope it doesn’t change to red velvet hot pants w/ matching fur pasties. LOL


Well, It’s time to head to the gym. 6:00am spinning class…such dedication! I hope you all have a great, safe holiday weekend!








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May 27, 2005

Of course we can’t wait to see you either!!! Those dresses are pretty Fabu for bride’s maid dresses. I can see you stylin’ like the Diva you are in it!

May 27, 2005

Very pretty!! And another visit to baby Diva, that’s very exciting. 🙂

Hey C! Just wanted to say hi! Have a good long weekend. We had ours last weekend! Good for the soul, Bad for the diet!! lol (Jackie)

May 27, 2005

LOL, Office Space is my moveie, I live it every day. Awwww, I like the dress! At least your isn’t like mines (I am going to post the picture this weekend) amd it seems like you could wear it again. Take care.

May 27, 2005

LOVE the dress, hope she stick with it!

May 27, 2005

Ooh, Hawaiian Shirt Friday! Whee!

ryn: you too skinnier bitch! ::hugs::

May 27, 2005

oh c’mon…you’re just WISHING for red velvet hot pants!! heehee the dresses are pretty. may you have a dress that you can wear at some other time.

May 27, 2005

You could rock some red velvet pants! It’d be hot! (um, just kidding)

those are VERY cute! i’d even wear it again.

May 27, 2005

lovely dresses chica.

That is a cute dress. It is even good for other formal events. Your friend did a good job. Smooches…

C is for Cool A** Courtney I am a new fan! I have been doing WW (recommitted) since 4/3 and it is going great. Congrats on your success and I look forward to reading your installments. Drop by my site and give a web site novice a few homepage tips…LOL Connie

Thanks WWDiva. I will try for a better lost next weekend. Girl look at you painting the town red. I gotta get out

May 29, 2005

RYN: I can’t wait to for my Dallas trip either girl!

May 29, 2005

I’ll go ahead and get you another copy of that memo. Found you from Lass’ diary…grats on losing 200lbs! Rock on girl, more power to ya.

May 29, 2005

RYN @ TLTL: I’m not evil, I’m just misunderstood. 😉

May 29, 2005

RYN: you are so crazy! The ER? Please!