Man…I feel like a woman.

How about some TMI on this beautiful Friday morning?

Aunt Flow is here and the bitch is wearing out her welcome! Ugh…cramps from hell today. I hope my annoying coworker leaves me alone today…or he may get a pencil jab to the fo’head.

So…besides cursing my womanhood, what else is going on?

-I had a planned cheat meal last night, so my clean eating count starts over today. 19 days was good for me…my next goal is to eat clean until St. Thomas (5 weeks…woohoo!)

-My truck was sick, so I took her to the doctor. Transmission stuff…spark plug issues…oil change…it didn’t set me back too much. I was secretly hoping the bill would be so outrageous that I would be forced to trade her in for a new Mustang. I only have 4 payments remaining on my truck…and the new car bug is driving me crazy. I’d like to keep the F-150 for another year and just throw the extra $ towards my student loan bill/savings account. The original borrowed amount was $8200 and I have it down to $900. I’m taking 2 classes in the fall and I plan to be debt-free before the spring semester starts. Debt-free…what a concept! LOL

-Our upstairs neighbors are a trip. 2 bedroom apartment…2 couples sharing the space. The women are always pissy towards Chesty and I are lusting after their men or something. All 4 of them look like hobbits

-J…I am really enjoying our friendship(?) this time around. He’s grown up a bit and I’m a tad less bitter about men…so things are pleasant right now.  I’m still playing it cool…and since he reads this blog, you guys will never hear about the shrine I built for him in my bedroom. haha

-TV Talk…ANTM was a nice surprise. The internet spoiler was totally wrong…and that makes for good TV. Ashamed to say I watched Brit/Kevin’s show. LOL Will probably watch it next week too. Trashy people make the world more interesting. I wonder if Brit will start wearing shoes again when baby BamBam arrives? the L word season finale…great! I can’t wait to see how Bette/Tina do with parenting…and I want a house to fall on Helena. She’s very Alexis Carrington-ish. As much as I enjoy the L…nothing compares to QAF! My boys are back on Sunday…with a 2-hour season premiere!

 -Weekend plans…may have a few friends over to chill tonight. It’s probably best to say off the roads during Star Wars madness. Saturday night is K’s belated birthday celebration…not sure what trouble that will bring…hopefully not county jail. 🙂 Sunday afternoon is our company’s day at the ballpark. Texas Rangers vs. Houston Astros. I’m not really a fan of baseball…but I’m going to be social. There are 7 people in my personal group…67 total from my office.

Hope everyone has a great weekend…






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May 20, 2005

haha, they look like hobbits….that cracked me up. Enjoy your weekend!

May 20, 2005

Wow, I clearly don’t watch enough TV! 😉 19 days — impressive! I would have been within points yesterday if not for a battle with some oreos. But ‘s okay, I’m back today.–

You are oh too funny. Who won ANTM? I don’t watch tv that much. Anyway, I’m out Skinny Heifer! Smooches…

May 20, 2005

I betcha the neighbors are gettin’ on each others nerves (4 adults in one appt!!!) and that is why they are so surly. Sigh. Hate bad neighbors. Linette

May 20, 2005

Have a great weekend too!

May 20, 2005

LOL hobbits! that’s great! and i know how you feel. let’s have a kill aunt flow with chocolate day.

May 20, 2005

I have been all about Naima all season, but then I was strangely disappointed that Kahlen didn’t win. I still love Naima though, so it’s all good. Next season you and I are going to make bets on who wins!

May 21, 2005

eat clean

Hey Courtney. I see you will be crossing Onederland real soon. Congratulations sis. You’re my inspiration. Mstar260 from SOWW

Hey Courtney. I see you will be crossing Onederland real soon. Congratulations sis. You’re my inspiration. (Mstar260 from SOWW) See you at the Boards.