So far, so good…

Hey Kiddies!

How are things going? Fine here…this has been one of those (rare) fabulous weeks. Let me count the ways…

-As you know, I’m on the employee activities committee (pausing to allow you to be impressed…ha ha). You also know that I’m the “charity chick” (12 years of Girl Scouts will brainwash anyone). Anyway, I requested to do an office food drive (benefiting Irving Cares)…and it slowly turned into a team competition. Over a 2 week period, my little office collected 1,775 lbs of food! Not too shabby for 130 people, eh? *warmfuzzy*

My eating has been on point and the ridiculous cravings are gone.

-St. Thomas is 48 days away!

-I’m going to see Snoop Dogg & The Game on 5/13 with my work crew! A generous vendor hooked us up with tickets and parking passes. GGG G-Unit!  

-I’m going out with J this weekend. *giggle*

-Work is finally starting to slow down a bit. Maybe the involuntary OT will end..?

Philosophy has new 3-in-1 scents for summer!

-There’s something top secret in the works…but it’s too early to share. No, I am not pregnant. Stop the madness!

Well, that’s it for now. Hope everyone is having a great week!

-C is for Climbing back on the wagon… 



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May 5, 2005

Glad you are having a fab week! Whatever pill you took to stop the mad crazvings..send some my way. I’ll be waiting with baited breath for the big news…..

May 5, 2005

Heehee, you’re so cute, making sure we know you’re not pregnant. Do you get people jumping to that conclusion a lot?–

May 5, 2005


Oh no – like I need an excuse to check out Sephora!

Okay!! I want to know every detail about this date with J this weekend!! I have to live vicariously through my single sistahs now that I am married with a little girl! Good job getting back on track, I am going to get there. Tontoy

May 5, 2005

Teasing secrets are not allowed!!

May 5, 2005

YAY!!!! glad you’re having a great week 🙂 I hope the top secret thing is another trip to Chicago!!!! 🙂 *HUGS*

May 5, 2005

wohoo, sound like Diva girl is having a fabulosa week! A well deserved one at that. Hope it keeps being great.

You know I’m STILL a HATER!! I see you C! Doin’ your thang! Shakin’ that thang! Smooches…

get your groove on girl!