An update on the Diva.

Hello Everyone!

 I’m Kat …a friend of Courtney’s.  C asked me to update for her as her computer was attacked and pretty much over run by some RIDICULOUS virus.  She wanted me to let you know that she’ll be back as soon as possible and she misses everyone!

C tried to update from work but Big Brother in the IT department has blocked weblog sites (bastard) so she can’t update or check up from work.

I’m sure she would tell you all to have a great weekend so…..HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND!!!!! 

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random noter to another texan just saying hello

April 22, 2005

Hope she gets up and running again soon. 🙂

April 22, 2005

darn computers…cant live with em and when they die, you realized how hard it is to live without em, eh? take care!

April 23, 2005

I was getting ready to send a search party to Texas…..!

April 26, 2005

I miss you courtney