Retail Rewards…

Happy Friday! <—Thought this day would never come. Work has been kicking my ass lately. OT is great. Involuntary OT sucks. Hello? I accepted a position with the hours of 8:30am-5pm…but I don’t end up leaving the office until 5:30-6:00. Isn’t that some code violation? Probably not in Texas…the same state that ignored the Emancipation Proclamation for 2 years. LOL You know a sistah isn’t catching a break.

So…other aspects of this week have been wonderful! I’ve been eating clean and working out like a good lil’ brainwashed weight watcher. The motivation? St. Thomas! 9 weeks away. I can do some serious damage in that time. Intense Cardio+ Weight training=Not looking like a Toll House cookie on the beach.

Forget Cookie Monster Nouveau’s “A cookie is a sometimes food…”

My other motivation? Bribery. Positive Retail Award Development. P-RAD is my way of sweetening the pot (without sugar *sigh*). Each week that I stay on track (90% clean eating/5 workouts), I choose a reward.  Monday I selected a few items from my new addiction, Coconut Hut. Yesterday I received a nicely wrapped box of  of Strawberry Pucker Mousse Cake and Apricot Freesia Whipped Body Souffle…Buttercream frosting, Pink Sugar and Margarita-Ville Aloe-Ha Body lotions and Blue Bell Vanilla Ice Cream Tiki Roll-on perfume.  LOL Fat girls probably shouldn’t smell like dessert, eh? I’m pleased with everything but the Margarita-ville…not enough lime. Tune in next week to hear about my latest P-RAD purchase. Trading one addiction for another…just sad.

So…what are you guys doing for the weekend? I’m going out to dinner with friends tonight…tomorrow will be errands and baby shower shopping (my friends are some breeding bitches). Sunday I’m heading to WinStar casino in Oklahoma with Chesty and her sister.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

-C is for Courtney…not Cookie


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April 15, 2005

Those look FUN! Which product did you like the best? I can afford to try one. Did you get your free handmade seashell lei? Woo Hoo!! This weekend, going to go see my parents. Just for a visit this time, no hospital/medical involved. Have a great time and good luck at the casino!

April 15, 2005

I think everyone should smell like desert!

April 15, 2005

I had some P-RAD of my own 🙂 But unfortunately, not a reward… *shamefully hanging my head*. It feels good to have clothes that fit, I just wish I was going in the right direction!!!! 🙁 Oy. Have a GREAT weekend, chica!!! 🙂

April 15, 2005

Girl, you are too funny! LOL! Where do you get all of that energy from?!?

P-RAD….WHAT A GREAT IDEA! I got out of bed this morning, I get a prize!!! I’ll let you go shopping in my store full of inky boys if you’d like. 🙂 Sorry but Cake is the floor model so you can’t take him.

April 15, 2005

you know, it’s all your fault that my newest retail therapy includes Philosophy 3-in-1. i’m on the hunt for the margarita one now.

April 15, 2005

i am waiting till i hit my goal to seriously upgrade my wardrobe! that’ll be my P-RAD! 🙂 i love ur idea!!! take care hun!

April 15, 2005

Girl, I told you, it’s the true fat girl test! You always buy products that smell like things you can’t have!

April 15, 2005

Got enough planned for the weekend? lol have fun you desert-smelling diva!

Youre really into the beauty products eh??!! lolol They just opened a Sephore like an hour away….I hear you talking about that place all the time!! Keep strong C. Youve got it! (Jackie)

April 15, 2005

have a great weekend!