Change of Plans…

Hey folks!

I can’t believe the response to the cookie monster entry. Everyone made valid points and I find myself divided on the issue. Yes, I feel kiddie shows should include health/fitness in the topics covered (and P.E. should actually include moving around…LOL). However, changing a television icon is a bit disturbing. What’s next? A name change? Effective immdediately, “Cookie Monster” will be referred to as “Bran Muffin Bob”.

What is the change of plans about? Nothing definite at this time, but a childhood friend is getting married the same weekend of the tri. The event is out of state, so my decision will be based on whether or not I can scam an agent ticket at work. I figure I’ll continue training and make a final decision at the end of the month. Yes, I want to do the tri…but turth be told, my heart isn’t totally involved this year. The Tri Divas have gone through a lot of changes and the event feels incomplete without the entire group. Silly and sentimental, but that’s how I feel.

So…if I end up going to my friend’s wedding, I *must* find at least 2 or 3 fitness events to do this summer. At times, triathlon training is the only thing that keeps me on track. I always preach the importance of having something to focus on (other than the scale reading). I’ll see what I can come up with…

Mom’s birthday celebration was fun. She is already looking forward to her 50 bash next year. I have a feeling she wants an Oprah-esque celebration. Champagne/caviar taste on a Mad Dog/pretzel budget. LOL Guess I should start saving now, eh?

Hope you all have a wonderful (homicide-free) Monday…


FYI: To the Reunion Watchers: No word on the final date. I wish the committee would stop dragging ass and announce details! Our rival high school is having their event in late August…so hopefully my school will do the same. I should be able to remove the 2-car garage from the brickhouse by August. 🙂





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April 11, 2005

I wish I had 4 more months again. I know I’m going to gain a ton after the wedding when I can go back to crap eating again. But I will try. I swear I will try to be good.

Bran Muffin Bob! LOL!! Too funny!

LOL!! You are a trip! When is St. Thomas? The wedding will be fun! The tri will be fun too. It is up to you Sister. Thanks for all of the notes C! Smooches…

April 11, 2005

Heehee… but nowadays bran muffins are 500 calories each! :p How about Portion Control Peter? Most of the characters on Sesame Street need a name change. “Big Bird?” Big is bad! Oscar the Grouch? Grouch?!? Disgusting, I tell you.–

April 11, 2005

Now that you’re not doing the tri, you should come and do the breast cancer walk with us in June! ;>

April 11, 2005

I can only imagine the look on your mom’s face if she walked into her party to see a spread of Mad Dog and pretzels

LMAO! Bran Muffin Bob! you crack em up. Homicide Fee is the WAY TO BE!

ryn: I had to read your note several times because the words “hummer” and “Tim McGraw” got me a little worked up! lol Gas prices SUCK! In San Diego… $259 a gallon.

yeah, that would be 2 DOLLARS and 59 cents. NOT 259 dollars. But give it til the end of the summer…….

April 12, 2005

I love your have a homocie free Monday. Man I can’t wait til Friday

April 12, 2005

I hear ya Chica!!! Goal should have been years ago! 🙁 But we WILL get there. Better to take a while to get to goal than to get there and end up right back where we started within a year. Even though you can’t make it for the walk, we DO need to have another get-together! 🙂 We must commence Oprah stalkage! *LOL* 🙂

I agree with you–they shouldn’t change the name of a tv icon. They could have just as easily created a NEW-more weight/health concious character. Vegetarian Victoria or Healthy Hillary to counter cookie monster. I am a proud child of the 70’s and Cookie Monster has always LOOOVED COOOOKIES–that is just how it is!!! For goodness sake – he isssss the COOKIE “MONSTER”- NOT the Cookie “Gentleman!”


RYN: Thanks for thinking about me. I love you C! More than you will ever know. Smooches…

April 14, 2005

RYN: i wanna come home!!!!! 😐 it’s been sooooo long since i got to see you or R or anyone else!