
Hey Folks…

I allowed myself to have a splurge meal for K’s birthday. The dinner itself wasn’t the issue…having dessert was a big problem. I realize (now) that my sugar addiction is too strong to have fully loaded items. After having a sweet dish on Sunday, I spent yesterday having crack-ish sugar cravings! I read that Oprah didn’t even have a piece of her own 50th birthday cake…and it makes perfect sense. She would have been strung out like I was…LOL

So…the little bro is now one of the grown folks. Chesty’s 28th birthday celebration is Saturday. 10 of us are meeting to go bowling (I know it sounds crazy…but we’re old now…and quirky is fun). After embarassing ourselves at the lanes, we’re all heading to a club…and Baby Kyle is coming with us! He is beyond excited…going to a “real” club for the first time. I’ll be packing my brass knuckles and chinese stars to keep the hoes away. Look for me on the local news

 A hotel rep is taking a few of us to dinner after work. Salt Grass is the chosen place, so I’ll be ordering grilled chicken breast, veggies, and a dinner salad. NO DESSERT.

Hope everyone has a great day…Please say a prayer for Terri Schiavo. She deserves to have peace…



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You are mess. I’m checking out her boot camp. O is hard core!! Have fun Miss Birthday Party Specialist. Smooches…

March 22, 2005

i learned – the hard way – that i can’t have sugar either. i did look like a strung out crack whore searching for my next fix….. 😉

I understand the sugar cravings. I can’t have certain flavors of ice cream in the house. I know my limits and Haagen Daaz butter pecan is outside my limit!!

March 22, 2005

How funny!! One of my coworkers was in here just yesterday telling me all about SaltGrass and how good it is. I’d never heard of it before then and now twice in two days….

March 22, 2005

It totally outrages me that they are just going to let her starve to death. They did that to my aunt because she had stomach cancer and she couldn’t keep the food down anyways, but it’s a horrible way to go. She’s definitely in my prayers.

March 22, 2005

I know the feeling, I had a piece of cheesecake on Saturday night (we had people over) and Sunday I had a piece for breakfast I was craving it so bad.

March 22, 2005

Happy b-day to Chesty!!!! 🙂 🙂 And to baby bro Kyle 🙂 I’m sure you’ll have a BLAST!!! Wish we could be there. Miss ya lots, chica! We need to start emailing more!!! 🙂

March 22, 2005

i cant do the sugar thing either. i am way too addicted to the stuff and once i start, i cant stop! thank god for oranges, they really have saved me. well, today at least 😉 now about the news, i clicked on the link and found this Iowa Girl Buys Prom Date For $29.95 now that is too damn funny! 🙂

Hey girlie, it’s Kat. This is my new diary. I need to get away from the old one. But shhh…there are only a few from the old one I’m telling.

March 27, 2005

I’ve realized that I’m addicted to sugar. I eat something sugar laden and I’m wanting more and more. Crack like cravings is definately an accurate description! 🙂 Yes, people can get addicted to sugar, sweet foods, and white-flour products (which your body responds to as if they were sugars). This addiction is physiological and affects the same biochemical systems in your body that are affected by addictive drugs like morphine and heroin.