Monday Morning

Hit the gym at 5am. I’m extremely tired, but I must eliminate this winter fat fanny pack I’ve managed to pick up since early October. Yeah, you could say I’m not pleased with the whole weight thing. I’m not posting numbers or progress pictures until I actually make some progress. 3/28 is my 4th WW anniversary and I’d like to be close to 199 by then. I swear to all things holy that I will never take ONEDERLAND for granted again.

3/28 is also Chesty’s birthday. I have a few Delta tickets to use, so we’re doing a group trip to Atlanta. Added motivation to reach 199 lbs again. I can’t look like Stay Puft marshmallow man in the ATL. Unacceptable…


I got an email from an old WW buddy yesterday. He’s recently married and planning to start the whole breeding process soon…like so many other people in my life. I’m beginning to wonder if something is wrong with me. I’ll be 28 this year…and have no desire for marriage or children. I adore children…but right now, the idea of my own gives me nervous twitches and various phobic sweats. LOL

Perhaps I haven’t met the right man? I’ll continue to have fun tossing out Mr. Wrongs until THE ONE gets released from the psych ward.

I finished up Passing for Thin and I recommend it to anyone that’s battling obesity. Next on my list:  Shifting: The Double Lives of Black Women in America.

Well, it’s time to get ready for work. Hope everyone has a great day!




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February 7, 2005

I wanna reach onderland too! We’ll get there soon enough! Be Blessed!

I wasn’t ready for marriage until my husband came along and swept me off my feet. I was 36 at the time. We married when I was 38. The baby arrived after I had turned 40. Obviously, I have a biased opinion, but I encourage you to enjoy your life and forget about time tables!

February 7, 2005

heeehee Stay Puff….haven’t seen the Stay Puff man in ages. and i SERIOUSLY doubt you’d even come close to resembling him ::gives you the imperial look:: don’t make me fly down to texas and kick ass…. 😉

Hey Girl! Shifting is a GREAT BOOK, I keep it in my car all the time. We read it for book club. I know about that fanny pack I have gained 8 pounds that will not go away. I have stepped up the workout but the eating is still giving me problems. Take Care Tontoy 242.2/215/160

February 7, 2005

What is Passing for Thin about? Did I miss you talking about that?–

February 7, 2005

The author of Passing For Thin has a great article in February’s Psychology Today. It is about her struggle to keep it off and even binging after she wrote the book. It was very good.

February 7, 2005

Things will happen in time and when you find Mr. Right. I never really wanted children, and aside from my nieces, I just didn’t want to deal with kids really. After Darren I met and got serious, I starting thinking about it, then I wanted nothing more than to share a family with him. Love does strange thing. Plus I think more mature first-time moms rock! 🙂

Dang that’s an angry Stay Puft. Eeek

February 7, 2005

About having kids and being married it can take just the right man, or even then it might be a few uears before you decide to become a breeder. My friend has been married for 6 years, just turned 36 and in November decided she wanted a baby, but before then she was always a no, you can always have a change of heart down the road.

February 7, 2005

I am sure you will be back to onederland by your anniversary. I have never seen or heard of anyone who is more motivated than you. As far as the children go, take your time dear. When you meet the right person that is definitely one thing you want to share, and since they are a big responsibility you absolutely must want them to really enjoy them.

Courtney, Onederland is right around the corner for you. You willl make it. I hope you are as convinced as I am. You work so hard, and have truly changed your life! Congrats…its just a step back, nothing compared to the forward steps youve made! (Jackie)

February 7, 2005

I agree with JerseyGirl, more mature moms rock.I was very young when I had my daughter and I regret that I was so impatient with her, and so immature myself. If I could just have been the mom I am NOW, when she is 17….and it is not the end of the world if you decide you never want kids. I also agree that onederland is around the corner. Linette

You are a trip. I hate you, “Delta tickets…” you and your STUPID job. Keep the faith, I believe in ya! Smooches…

thanks for the note! I had the dog for ten years so it’ll be though to get over it, but life goes on

you always inspire me with your struggle and honesty. I have lost 40 pounds since reading your diary. I have stayed in the same place for the last 6 months. And it is SOOOOOOOOOO time to move forward. No more days off and no more excuses, I can do this. P.S. I am married and 27 (28 this year) and have no desire to have kids. I feel like I am still too young. you are not alone.

February 8, 2005

I just read good in bed. An excellent book about a full sized woman.