Oh my damn…

In the clutches of Sims addiction…must find 12-stepper (or cheat codes)

This game is evil. I managed to kick the habit a couple of years ago and now it’s back! I am sleep deprived in the new place. It takes me awhile to get totally comfortable. So…what better way to pass the time than ruin the lives of my Sims? 🙂

How is everyone doing? I am ready for Christmas to come and go! While I look forward to hosting my family, I need an end to the mindless eating I’ve been doing lately. My jeans are tight and water retention is in full effect. Step away from the crap, Courtney. It’s not that difficult…you’ve done it successfully for almost 4 years. I’ve sucked so badly in the last couple of months. I finally realized why I’ve never had a real plateau: my body is only capable of losing or gaining…there’s no middle ground…no maintenance. Lifetime should be a blast. LOL

So…one of my coworkers complained about the Terrell Owens pictures on my desktop. Whatever. Becky Jo* can have a gag-worthy topless picture of some dude with 80s hair and stonewashed sperm-cutter jeans, but I have to remove T.O.? Almost makes me want to put an open flame near her aquanetted rollercoaster bangs. However, it’s Christmas…so I’ll bring the hammer down on 03JAN. 🙂

*Name has been changed to protect the throwback queen… 

NYE plans are still undecided. If the weather is going to be funky, I’m leaning towards one of the house parties. Speaking of house, I’ll post pics of the new Tri-Divas place after Christmas.

Hope everyone has a happy holiday!







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December 22, 2004

You too, It is hard not eating but you know how to do it. I am starting to nibble nibble and with the lackof exercise I am gaining. Happy Holidays

December 22, 2004

would that be one of the T.O. pics I sent you?? isnt he YUMMY???

Happy Holidays!

December 22, 2004

I’ve given myself permission from now until the end of the year to eat. After that, it’s Curves full force again and baby carrots all the way. 🙂

December 22, 2004

What IS it about maintaining… I swear my body can’t do it either! I’ve had not-that-great weeks that weren’t THAT much more horrible than the good weeks… and I gained! I find myself wondering how I will ever find a balance in maintenance.–