Guess Who’s Back?

Back again…Diva’s back…tell a friend!

Hey folks!

Did you miss me? I know you did. 🙂

Where to begin?

The move went very well. Drama-free and and painless. Let me just say this: I am so blessed to be in shape! This was the first move that didn’t leave me struggling for breath and aching. While I’m sure I gained some fat (from the way too convenient “move” food), I’m sure I added a tad bit of muscle too. Heifer was workin’…for real.

The apartment…I’m in love. We have so much room…a huge patio…my freaky deaky jacuzzi tub (watch my ass get electrocuted trying to be a love goddess). Life is good. 🙂 My inner Virgo kicks into high gear to unpack. Chesty and I are hosting Christmas dinner and a coworker questioned my ability to move/unpack/decorate in 2 weeks. PLEASE. The tree was up and looking faboo on Day 2. As Tucker says, I’m the black Martha Stewart…you know, before the conviction. LOL 

WW stuff…Oy…what can I say? I’ve been seriously coasting this month. I’ll have my next “official” weigh-in in January. I just can’t deal with the scale on a weekly (and sometimes daily) basis right now. There are so many people that are OBSESSED with the damn scale…and I refuse to let it affect my holiday cheer…dammit! LOL

Lynn and I are still moving along in the RC. The next mini-challenge will be for New Year’s Eve. I’ve been invited to 2 house parties, but I’d like to get dolled up and go somewhere. My challenge motivation could be an NYE outfit, ya know?

The Biggest Loser…Thank the Lawd, Lisa is GONE! I was cheering in my living room. I’m sure she’ll blame it on editing, but that heifer seems truly hateful. Ok, I’ll admit that her after photo looks great, but her ‘tude sucks.

I was SO touched my Mo and Gary’s attitudes/accomplishments last night. While my gaydar advises against it, I am crushing on Trainer Bob. Shame…

The Little Prince won the 4-year old spelling bee! The winning word was “girl”. The funny thing is that he still pronounces it like “goil”. I will truly have a meltdown when the baby voice disappears.


Well, that’s it for now. Hope everyone is having a great week!








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December 15, 2004

yay! i’m glad you’re all moved in! i’m so glad lisa is gone. and i LOVE gary & moe. i did have to change the channel at 8 last night, since the amazing race is on, so i didn’t get to see lisa leave!

December 15, 2004

My God, she looks wonderful! I mean, I can’t stand her, but wow, she looks awesome. Did you watch ANTM? Eva won!

December 15, 2004

Welcome back! 🙂 Congrats on a smooth move. I remember taking time off WW last winter and then the motivation didn’t come back in January. This winter I’m forcing myself to WI every week. I still, er, ate chocolates tonight instead of dinner. Bad me! Anyway, moving is a special case. Enjoy your successful Martha behavior! :)–

December 15, 2004

You definitely have the holiday spirit goil!

December 16, 2004

I loved when Lisa said “I came here with a whiny and complaining attitude…” No, really? Hadn’t noticed. LOL. Congrats on the move, the new place sounds great!

Welcome back! We missed you!

December 16, 2004

Yay, you’re back!! 🙂 I was glad Lisa got voted off too…I’m going to cry when Mo goes. 🙁

December 16, 2004

I am soooo glad Lisa is gone too. I love Gary and Mo

December 16, 2004

Welcome back. Your new place sounds wonderful. When’s the house warming party???

Glad to know that you are back. I kept checking on a daily basis. Melodi

December 16, 2004

Congrats to the little prince! Congrats ona good move and being in better shape for it!

December 16, 2004

YAY!!!! Diva’s BACK!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 I watched part of the biggest loser but didn’t see who got the boot. Question… Lisa looked bigger in the booting off episode than she does in that pic. Are they doing their after pics when they get to GOAL or when they leave the show??

LP: HOW cute. I SO agree about Lisa. She was driving Andy and me NUTS! He says she must be wearing a corset in that picture, because there’s no way that’s her waist. Either way, she looks great. I’m glad Mo got to stay, because he truly needs to. I think he’d be most likely to give up in the “real world,” for all his talk of being changed. I almost cried when he made it to to the gate, though.

December 17, 2004

lisa was such a whiny baby…. I am GLAD too

Ah man!! I missed that episode. Maybe I can catch it tonight! Smooches…

I am SO WITH YOU on the Lisa thing. What a crybaby. Sheesh.