Let the Games Begin…

The Reunion Challenge starts today! We’ll be posting official start stats and photos soon. I also plan to include a picture from senior year. That should be a blast. LOL

Since the R.C. will last until Spring ’05, Lynn and I will create daily/weekly/monthly goals and mini challenges. First on the agenda?

Turkey Day Goals (T-Minus 10 Days)
-Lose 2 lbs
-250 min. of exercise
-Drink at least 96oz. of H2O daily
-Reduce the size of my 16 chamber stomach to allow for less consumption of Ma’s famous mac & cheese…

The R.C. will be documented here. Please drop by whenever you feel like it. Lynn and I want to be fine as wine (the good stuff with a cork…no screw-off tops) at the ol’ reunion…so all encouragement/ass kicking will be accepted. 🙂


Hope everyone has a drama-free Monday…




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You motivate me to do so much more Courtney. I cant believe Lynn. She looks awesome. You guys are going to do great! (Jackie)

November 15, 2004

96 oz. of water. Whoa. 🙂 I’d just have to spend the days in the bathroom if I did that. Here’s to a great start!–

You go girl!! Good luck I know you and Lynn will knock them dead at the reunion, but I want to hear more about J. What happened!@!! In your last installment you were fussing at him about his political views. SHARE WITH YOUR SISTAH FRIENDS!!! (smile) Tontoy 242.2/208/160

I am going to do the challenge with you! I have my 10 year in 2005 as well. I have about 43 pounds left to lose. This will be great!

November 15, 2004

I bookmarked your page and put a crown as a symbol for it- you gals are the queens of weight loss. I am amazed, impressed, and inspired. My own scale has been up and down, and you’re all right- time to kick it up a notch. Thanks for the inspiration- here’s to success!

November 16, 2004

I would like to be the unofficial 4th member of your challenge. I am at 210 right now and decided I need to lose 40 of those before I go to Paris next spring. You are such a inspiration. I have looked at Lynnderful’s site and she is too. I hope I can keep up. Not as fit as you guys but will start getting some exercise in.

November 17, 2004

GOod luck girly!!!