The Key to Weight Loss Success?


Did you think the answer would be inspiring? You know me better than that. :p

Seriously, I realized today that I have quite a few events in the near future and I have to look my best. While I plan to work through one challenge at a time, it doesn’t hurt to look at the big picture:

November 15, 2004-Lynn and I start our “Reunion Challenge”! Possibly the most rewarding challenge ever. For those that don’t know, our weight loss stories are very similar. We both started WW weighing over 400 lbs, same age, same height…and both very big gals in high school. Imagine the shock when we stroll into our 10-year reunions next spring? Drama! Love it! The details of the R.C. will be posted in a separate blog. Link coming soon…

January 2005-Training for the Danskin Triathlon begins. The Tri Divas will participate as individuals for the event. 1/2 mile swim, 12 mile bike, 5K run. The preparation will be demanding, but doing the event solo is something I need to accomplish. I gotta tri, right? 🙂 School will enter the picture this month, too. Semester will be light, but c’est la vie. I had a full-time work schedule and 15 hours during my sophomore year in college…never again. I admire the folks that can make it work, but I honestly got nothing out of that year. Until my company approves PT scheduling, I’ll be keeping my overall workload reasonable…and hopefully chaos-free.

March 28, 2005-My 4th WW anniversary. If I’m not at goal by this date, the world will feel my wrath. Well…just the folks within earshot. LOL

June 2005-Tucker’s birthday trip to St. Thomas! Swimsuit…’nuff said.

September 2005-Diva and Red’s birthday trip to Mexico. Red will be hitting the Big 3-0. I’ll be enjoying 28 (and holding on for dear life…haha)

So…that’s the major stuff. There will also be another trip to Chi-town and Vegas thrown in the mix. I’m not trying to put pressure on myself, but I need to stay focused…and 2005 will provide plenty of challenges (and rewards).

Daily Menu

Egg beaters-1pt
Turkey bacon-3pts
whole wheat toast-1pt

Morning snack

Garlic & Herb tortillas (2)-2pts
Louis Rich Chicken breast strips-3pts
1/2 cup black beans-2pts
Baby spinach leaves-0pts

Afternoon snack
1/2 cup cottage cheese-2pts

Grilled Pork Chop-6pts
Sweet potato-3pts

Total Daily Points: 26

So…apparently I’ve been excommunicated from weight loss success story land. Remember the interview with a major publication? I wasn’t going to give details until I knew if something was going to materialize. Well, I never heard anything else after the initial correspondence, so apparently People Magazine wasn’t too impressed.

Last week, I had a phone interview with an associate producer from The Maury Povich Show. I haven’t heard anything from that either. So…I’m thinking my interview skills suck (I did say more than “I used to be BIG…then I lost weight…and now I’m LESS BIG”)…or losing 200+ lbs without surgery or a gimmick isn’t considered newsworthy? A lot of people have found my story and that’s the important thing. If I’ve inspired people along the way, that’s the best reward. I don’t need the press, free clothes, cars, and jewelry. *sobbing* FYI, I didn’t seek out these folks…they came to moi. I’m thinking one of my readers submitted the info? The world may never know…

Hope everyone is having a great week! 


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November 10, 2004

That reunion sounds positively FUN!! I can’t wait to hear how everyone reacts.

November 10, 2004

wow…just hold out for OPRAH, baby…That’s right!!!:)

November 10, 2004

Hey, you never know, they may still get in touch again! People mag is probably busy watching the Peterson trial, heh, I would not be surprised if they call again. Unfortunately, I think you are right though, Oprah had on her show this week a woman whom used to weight 500+ and she had GBS and reconstructive surgery and I think all the “big” shows and publications just looooooove to top one another.

November 10, 2004

Heehee, I like the idea of holding out for oprah. That’s a good idea, making a list of all the events upcoming that might motivate one to stay on the wagon. :)–

If it holds any meaning…You inspire me EVERY SINGLE DAY. I love you. ::hugs:: Kat

C- I have been reading your diary for two years now and feel inspired everytime I read. I tell EVERYONE I know about your progress and success. I think you are amazing and you did it all with willpower, strength, fitness and WW. People are smitten with WLS, and personally I think it is cheating. I am going to recommend you to a mag or show, because you are an inspiration. –Your friend in Oklahoma

November 10, 2004

Well Court, you are SO famous at my Weight Watchers meeting! You get mentioned at almost every other meeting, and so you’re totally inspiring a lot of people here in Arkansas. And you know that you’re MY biggest inspiration. And I’m at -31 now. 🙂 Yay!

November 10, 2004

You have a huge fan base and inspire many every time you post. I truly know I would not be at my weight loss milestone without your OD! I know someday you will make the national scene. Until then we will keep spreading your name word of mouth, internet, and any way we can. You are OUR DIVA and our shining star. Sounds like 2005 has lots of great things in store. Makes me want to plot my year.

WW Diva, I attended my 10 year reunion earlier this year, and just like you I was Overweight in school (279 pounds). Let me tell you. once I stepped into the reunion ALL heads TURN and jaws dropped! I felt sooo good. Currently I weigh 178 and my goal is 165. Even guys who did NOT think about me asked me to dance and for my phone number and I just showed them my BLING (wedding ring). YES YES YES!

November 10, 2004

I could definitely picture you on the Oprah show. People magazine…huh…they are missing out on a great story…their loss.

November 10, 2004

wow that is amazing! youre gonna be famous! 🙂

November 11, 2004

RYN: When she said “Ann”, all my roommates and I screamed “NOOOOOOOOO!” at the same time. Not that Ann isn’t ok, but Toccara was so so great. I don’t know why I’m so obsessed with that show, but I just love it. I’ve got my fingers crossed for Eva or Nicole, I’ll be equally happy. I picked Adrianne and Yoanna, so I’m thinking I’ve got a good streak going. 🙂

You are OUR hero Sister!! We believer in you because you have been an awesome coach to sooo many of us! Smooches…

I’ve read your diary on & off for a while now. Occasionally noting you (under different diary names as I have been through so many!). You are incredibly inspiring to me. I have between 50 & 80 pounds or so to lose & you make me feel like I can do it. Screw People & the Maury show.. Go for like- Oprah or someone who’s into important issues like that. =) Continue to rock on & inspire others.

You have inspired many of us — probably more than you know. Lenora

November 11, 2004

I agree that you should hold out for Oprah, but in the meantime, just know that you inspire people EVERY SINGLE DAY! I’ve showed your pics to all of my co-workers and anyone else who comes along. Keep doin’ your thing Girl!

can’t wait to hear about the reunion – your doing a marvelous job

November 12, 2004

I agree with the rest. You are a total inspiration to lots of folks in Montana, too! Can’t remember how I stumbled on your diary but I am glad I did. I am currently struggling so badly with my weight loss efforts. I think I need to go and reread from the beginning, lol! Linette in Montana

November 12, 2004

I know what you mean, vanity is key. I want to be healtheir, BUT I also want to be the hotest bridesmaid at my friends wedding.

November 12, 2004

you are my biggest inspiration. seriously

November 14, 2004

I think that you of all people are very inspiring.. so many people are losing so much weight with WLS .. you’ve done it the good, hard way .. and you are healthy and successful. You are more of a success story that someone who chooses to get surgery in my opinion because you have relied on your own strength and willpower from day one.

November 15, 2004

Just wandered across you on random…. Wow, that’s a great weight loss. I’ve debated WW but have never been sure. I’m in the between 50-70 to lose boat myself (at least 50, more depends on how I look…) And man, you’re right. Vanity is the key. That, and the fact that for me, I’m the size where they don’t make clothes to fit me. I just want to find clothes that fit. Easily.