Just had to share…

The Good…

-Life is still pretty damn good. The whole “why me?” accident crap has left the building. It’s been replaced with the realization that I was blessed to walk away without serious injury.

-The accident gave some clarity in another area of my life…and let’s just say I’ve pulled the plug on a bad relationship.

-One of my WW buddies (Lynn) had the wonderful idea to start a “Reunion Challenge” next month. We’re both facing our 10-year high school reunions in 2005 and we’re determined to shock the hell out of folks. From Fat to Phat…what a beautiful thing. 🙂

-J and I met up after my WW meeting last night. Lord…why do I allow this man to have so much power over me? I was cool on the outside, but a sistah was melting down on the inside. Oy vey…

The Bad…

I finally stepped on a scale. The damage report after almost 2 months of “stuff”? 6 lbs. I thought I’d freak out to see a “2” on the scale again, but I’m honestly ok with it. Maybe it’s because I only weighed under 200 lbs for about 5 minutes? LOL Anyway…it’s over and done with. Hopefully the 6 lbs will come off this year. The upside? I’m still at 200 lbs lost…so I don’t have to give up the convertible BMW, furs, and diamonds I received from WW. :p

The Ugly…

A friend of mine caught her husband cheating. Luckily, she’s a fitness chick…so there wasn’t any Ben & Jerry’s therapy required to get her over the initial shock. I talked her out of destroying his new SUV. That’s so age 22, you know?

Mo’ Ugly…

From the current issue of Oxygen mag:

Some people will try anything, or suggest rather. Dr. Simon Minkoff, a member of the British Medical Association, has suggested that FAST FOOD OUTLETS SHOULD HAVE NARROWER FRONT DOORS TO PREVENT OVERWEIGHT PEOPLE FROM GOING IN TO BUY JUNK FOOD. McDonald’s has expressed concerns about the proposal, saying that the narrow doors would prevent mothers with strollers and those in wheelchairs from entering its restaurants.

Daily Menu

Boca sausage-2pts

Ground Turkey-5pts
Brown rice w/black beans-2pts

Afternoon snack
Myoplex Lite protein shake-4pts

Grilled Tilapia-4pts
Sweet potato-3pts

Total Daily Points: 27

Hope everyone is having an ab fab week!



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October 28, 2004

I love that the ATTITUDE is back. Six pounds isn’t really bad for 2 months, I’ve done that in a week. I have faith you will kick that 6 pounds in the arse and send it running quickly.

October 28, 2004

Love these kinds of entries from you. The positive attitude is contagious! 🙂

October 28, 2004

Damn girl, I’m still getting over the last paragraph, I can’t believe someone would be so ignorant to even THINK that, oh well, that’s what makes humanity beautiful, we all think differently. Six lbs. ain’t shyte for a Diva like you, you’ll drop them in no time girl. Just like you dropped that bad relationship

October 28, 2004

You know what I’m going to say, so why bother, right? Ha-ha! You’ll get it back together and be under 200 again in no time — probably fast than I’ll get back to my pre-pregnancy weight! By the way, Bedroom 1, can officially be yours, and it has been identified as such. LOL

Thank you for sharing yourself. You are so down to earth yet so inspirational. You are a superstar! -Connie

Right, like I wouldn’t turn sideways and squeeze my big behind in there if I was having a craving…

Girl dont worry about it, you got it out of your system before the holidays hit. It is only 6 pounds, hell as good you do that weight will be off in 2 weeks!!! Take Care Tontoy 242.2/208/160

October 28, 2004

ooh reunions. i have fantasies about how i would shock everyone at my reunion. hahaha…u r so gonna knock everyone’s socks off 🙂 u r a hottie afterall 🙂 i cant believe my 10 yrs reunion is coming up as well. oye vey, where does the time go???? luv the oxygen quote…way too funny!

youre doing great. That 6 pounds will drop soon. Courtney, you are not just on a diet. You have totally changed your lifestyle. (Jackie)

October 28, 2004

Ouch on the cheating hubby… wowsah. I can’t really blame her for wanting to wreck the car, though. Whoa. I really need a reunion challenge! Granted, my reunion isn’t until 2006, but that’s NOT that far away!–

Sounds like things are back on track for you. I think that Dr. is smoking crack, though. Jeez.

WOW! You have lost 200 pound, that is fan-bloody-tastic!

Hey Diva…I thought of you when I saw this! You’re definitely my inspiration! https://www.oprah.com/plugger/templates/BeOnTheShow.jhtml?action=respond&plugId=B5700003 Take care!

Sorry, the above note was from me, OD must have signed me out? I think it’s amazing that you have lost so much, a real insperation thats for sure 🙂

November 7, 2004

I am sorry to hear about your friend’s husband, and destroying his new SUV would be so age 22, but it would have been fulfilling!