A Baby in the House?

It looks like Chesty and I will be welcoming a new arrival soon. Don’t freak out…only a furkid. I feel the need to clairfy because a couple of my friends have joined the Baby Brigade recently and it seems to be an epidemic (or perhaps a way of life now that we are all in our late 20’s). I’m not sure how Chesty’s new baby will deal with Bentley, my spoiled 7 year old schnauzer.

We have our eye on a white schnauzer puppy. LOL Chesty won’t let me mention his name or post a picture because she doesn’t want to jinx the adoption. If all goes well, the little guy will arrive at our house tomorrow. 🙂

I saw the most beautiful man at Barnes & Nobles yesterday. 6’3″, about 225-230 lbs, caramel complexion, bald head, goatee…good lord! I stalked fine ass for about 15 minutes until his boyfriend joined him. What the hell? Why are gay men so gorgeous? I was watching Margaret Cho last night and she said whenever she meets a straight, handsome, single guy…she asks him if he’s a unicorn because it’s so rare. LOL

Sigh…the search continues. What am I searching for? Always Mr. Right. However, right now I’m open to anyone 6’0″ and taller. LOL Why do the short men love me?!? No offense to the smaller brothas, but I am 5’10” and very thick. While it’s great that 5’6″ men think they can handle big girls, let’s keep it real. We’d probably put them in the hospital.  Especially sexually frustrated women like myself. LOL

Wow…a bit of TMI today. Oh well…you’re in my space. 🙂

Not much planned for today. I had too much mexican food and alcohol on Friday night, so I feel like crap. I’m going to spend today lounging on the couch, detoxing, and watch TV. Ah, the wonderful life of a “fit” person, eh?

The premier of the L word comes on tonight…don’t miss it!


Until next time…





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i wish i had showtime.

January 18, 2004
January 18, 2004

LMAO…your TMI is always entertaining

I love you!! I truly understand the gay men thing. WHY!! Lawd Help! Have fun! Smooches…

January 18, 2004

Gay guys pay attention to how they look, I guess. I’m only 5’7″ but I’ve had some experience with those short love-puppies, too. Maybe it’s an explorer/mountain climber/overachiever kind of thing. Anyway, it feels objectifying. Enjoy your day of rest. I’m afraid my weekend has degenerated into sloth.

January 18, 2004

Me thinks TMI entries are great. Maybe I should write one? Love the Margaret Cho comment about men, ha ha.

ryn: in my apartment complex, we’re not even given an option.

January 18, 2004

At least you are out there “stalking fine ass” instead of waiting for the short guys to find you.

January 18, 2004

I think it’s just that a lot of men are into women who are taller than they are. Casey’s 6 feet tall and he said he used to really, really want to date some 7 foot amazon babe. Being so tall yourself, you must get LOTS of offers. :)–

January 18, 2004

You crack my ass up CoCo 🙂 I should have you tape the L word for us 🙂 Either that or we’ll have to wait til the season 1 DVD’s come out and do a marathon 🙂 Or I could fork over the extra $12 a month for Showtime…. Hmmmm… ok maybe not *LOL*

Girl, don’t even fret! I am a thick, 6’0 sista with a fine ass brotha (caramel complexion and bald head to match)who is 6’6. And if I can snatch that up, anyone can, so just keep looking! Your guy is out there too, I guarantee it and I know you’ll keep us posted. Good Luck, girl! -AW

January 18, 2004

I love Margret Cho, she’s hliarious! 🙂

January 18, 2004

awwwww…a baby! 🙂 RYN: yup, makes up for it entirely!

January 19, 2004

Congrats on your new addition. 🙂

January 19, 2004

I don’t get all of the good channels.

January 19, 2004

you are a trip woman and your fine ass brotha will come in due time. You are georgous and will have no trouble cathching him one day (that’s if he doesn’t catch YOU first)

January 19, 2004

I am SO impressed with your weight loss. That’s absolutely marvelous. RYN…just a point of clarification, in that yes, I am enjoying “The L Word,” but I’m one of those late-bloomers, who discovered in her 50s that she, too, was a lesbian.

January 19, 2004

LOL you crack me up.

I’m acutally upset that I don’t have the channel that that show comes on.

January 20, 2004

RYN: ACK!!! You poor thing 🙁 🙁 I can handle ANY kind of illness except stomach bugs. Luckily I don’t get them very often. I’m totally stoked about the gym 🙂 I think I’m just a little intimidated by it *LOL* the ones at curves are easy, just hop on and start. This one is a little more complicated, moving pulleys and such… but once I get the hang of it it’ll be awesome 🙂 … (cont.)

January 20, 2004

If you and Chesty ever finally make it up to Chicago I’ll give you a personal training session on it *LOL* 🙂

January 20, 2004

RYN: Thanks for dropping by. I have already “done” something about it!!

January 20, 2004

I am 5 11 and just made it under 200 pounds. It’s a sparkling feeling. But ALL MY life the tall guys were walking abround with the 5 foot women. Go figure.

Once, when in college, a friend and I were shopping at Berlington Coat Factory in Oklahoma City with our guy friend, Marcus. As we were leaving, we saw the security guard–Tall, built, shaved head, beautiful carmel complexion–and our mouths literally fell open. One of us (not sure which one) actually said, “Oh, dear GOD.” Marcus laughed his ass off at our “subtlety.”