Checking in with the NBC Crew…

How is everyone doing on the challenge? I’d love to hear your goals for the next 12 weeks…and how do you plan to reward yourself for staying focused and completing the NBC? Drop me a line…

Work sucked today, but I kept it together and didn’t give in to the fatty stuff. I don’t care what anyone says…Ben & Jerry’s [insert any flavor here] can make everything better. When life is kicking you in the ass, fat free yogurt ain’t gonna cut it…but that’s what I ate. Why? I want Buddha gone. A coworker stopped me today to rave about how great I look. Isn’t it strange that people always notice progress when you feel mad cow bloated?

I made the commitment to do the MS 150 ride in April.  A bike ride from Houston to Austin. Please excuse me while I freak the fuck out…

Okie dokie, all better now.

I’m actually very excited about this year’s events. We’re going to be doing some serious cycling and I look forward to learning a lot (and getting some fine ass legs). My tax return is earmarked for a road bike purchase. I’m undecided on the exact model, but luckily my local bike shop is helpful and trustworthy. If all goes according to plan, I’ll have a new ride for the Space Race in March. 🙂

Well…it’s almost time for the RW/RR challenge. Does anyone despise Veronica as much as I do?




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January 12, 2004

I do not like Veronica, she is such a phony little…..person.

Ben & Jerry’s is the DEVIL!! You are right though, they seem to make everything better. Ride sister Ride! I’m excited about your 2004 ventures . I’ve decided to sign up for a few things and train for the events. My major rule is that I REFUSE to come in last place, so I will bust my butt training. LOL So yeah C I hate Veronica too. I live vicariously through you! Smooches…

Thanks for the note : ) Keep on rocking Courtney!

you know, that is funny. every time i’ve gotten complimented recently about my looks, it’s always when i feel like someone inflated me with a mixture of water and sodium. weird. but way to go on the resisting ben&jerry’s – that is a hard thing to do. 🙂

January 13, 2004

I’d be freaking out too, you made me laugh with your comment. 🙂 You can do it!

I am doing pretty good so far on the challenge, I have not been to the gym in months but, went yesterday and today. Getting detoxed from the carbs and junk food again has been tough but, I will prevail. Thanks for your inspiration. You go girl on the bike road and goals for this year! (JC)

Had a great OP day since Monday. Been committed to the exercise route. I am feelin’ it, baby. Awaiting the NBC kit in the mail for my pass to the health club. As for my reward at goal, I will treat myself to an awesome wardrobe…even better than before. BTW Diva, when your Budda takes a hike, you will look awesome in a bikini, if you are so inclinded to wear on your gettin’ buff bod. Cheers!

January 13, 2004

Ben & Jerry’s rocks…

January 13, 2004

I find B&J Cherry Garcia frozen yogurt acceptable, even if it’s not nearly as good as their peanut butter chocolate ice cream, which is 12.5 points for 1/2 cup (or 50 points in the whole pint). I discovered a local ice cream shop that makes FF frozen yogurt shakes for 200 calories apiece. So even if there’s NO fiber in them, it’s still a really big, yummy shake for 4 points. Woohoo!–

I’m getting back on the WW wagon, and I just had to say YOU ARE AN INSPIRATION! I am so needing inspiration right now, and I am so glad I found your site. Bless you—because you have blessed me!

My spinning instructor creates B & J’s flavors. Talk about a dichotomy – he was just on a Food Network show about Oatmeal Cookie Cruch. Sometimes he starts class by saying “I just ate a pint of Chunky Monkey!” He’s evil, and adorable :).

January 14, 2004

You crack me up Chica 🙂

January 15, 2004

RYN: PPPPPBBBBBBBLLLLLLTTTTTHHHHH!!!!! If you’re gonna torture me by calling me by calling me Jennie, you could at least spell it right! *LOL* 🙂 Hurry up and update your OD, Chica, I’m getting bored and need new stuff to read ;>

January 15, 2004

I actually think Ben and Jerry would be proud of you. For understanding that just now you can’t eat their food.

January 20, 2004

Veronica does get on my nerves. I read somewhere that she was in Playboy with a couple of the other RW/RR girls.