Weigh Day: Stronger than Cadbury eggs…

The scale showed a 1.2 lb loss today. I worked my ass off this week…and somehow managed to avoid the Cadbury egg traps (although it was hard to turn down the offer of a chocolate bunny ear).

In other news:

Chesty and I will be doing the Fort Worth Zoo 5K on Saturday. I’ll have to miss kickboxing class, but the Zoo walk is no joke…hills galore.

The TRI Divas have decided that we’re definitely going to tackle the Las Vegas Half Marathon. The only requirement is a 16 minute mile. We all walk 5Ks faster than that now…but for 13.1 miles? Damn, I have work to do.

The Danskin Triathlon is only 6 weeks away! We are officially registered…LOL so we officially cannot quit at this point. I am very excited about the event…and partying afterwards on 6th St. 🙂

Hope everyone is having a great week…Go Ruuuuuuuuuben!


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Ahhh Cadbury….smooth and creamy and rich and like most good chocolate, the drug of my choice. But thin *does* taste better. Here’s to our sucesses for this week and our continued downward journey!

April 23, 2003

Congrats, our weigh in day is the same I think, but Im skipping it today. Im feeling very bloated and pre-menstral.

April 23, 2003

yay! you rule! loves,

April 24, 2003

Six weeks?! Not very long.

April 24, 2003

YEAH….Vegas, seems I’m the only one not going lately. Well.

RYN: I agree. People are quick to criticize. I do think though she could have thought about what she was saying, before she said it. Know what I mean? And, if you’re going to speak-out, don’t be surprised at the repercussions. I also think if she was someone else that was known to speak-out, no one would have said a word. Great job on the loss! Your hard-work will show. 🙂

April 24, 2003

Great loss, girl! That zoo walk sounds awesome, wish I could be there to do it with ya’ll!

WOW your doing so well and I am jealous fare played to you xxxx

u guys rock!

April 26, 2003

Congrats!! That’s awesome. I did a 5K marathon last fall for breast cancer, and I really enjoyed it. Walking, of course. I think I’ll look into doing another one, thanks for the inspiration. Everytime I look at your numbers, I’m floored. You must be so proud of yourself. Have you posted any recent photos, or do you have a website?

You are going to love the Danskin Tri! It is so empowering – and everyone gets a medal.