Diva Does Kickboxing!

I attended my first kickboxing class this morning and it was great! We arrived a few minutes early to stretch (and look cool, of course…LOL) and nearly passed out when the instructor walked in.

Gina is the group exercise coordinator for my 24 Hour Fitness location and she’s a badass. To describe her as energetic is an extreme understatement. She acknowledged the newbies (Diva, Chesty, and some chick that look terrified the whole time) and started the class.

Let me say that kickboxing is not for folks that lack rhythm and coordination. I think my years of dance classes and taebo workouts helped me finish the major workout. We did 60 minutes of crazy jab/lunge/punch/kick combos with periodic jumping jacks to keep things interesting. I left the class sweating like a luau pig, but feeling awesome. I will definitely be going next week!

No major plans for today. I’ll be heading to the salon later this afternoon for a much needed relaxer and then to B&N to pick up the latest in the Shopaholic series. Tonight is up in the air…but I’m cool with renting a movie and chilling out. LOL I think I’m still in recovery mode from Mardi Gras and Chesty’s birthday weekend. Old age is a trip!

Have a great Saturday…


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April 5, 2003

hmm, will just have to mark kickboxing off my list of classes to try. lol

Kickboxing yikes, I bet that kills u have to be so fit with all that kicking. I could imagine me trying to do a round house I will like spin round twice and fall over LOL Well done for going and am glad u liked it

That would NOT be for me LOL.. I’m not too coordinated when there’s more than 2 steps involved 😀 But I’m so glad you had fun!!! :))

April 5, 2003

Is there a new book in the shopaholic series?? What’s it called. I’ve read 3. Kisses

April 5, 2003

Old age? OLD AGE? Child, who are you talking about? LOL. I’ve found you on random. Your weight loss is amazing! I am a life time loser/gainer. Right now half way down with 50 to go. And I am an authentic old person. I’m thinking oldies yoga would be more my speed than kickboxing.

April 5, 2003

kickboxers are so bad ass. i won’t want to fight one. loves,

that class sounds awesome!

April 5, 2003

I been reading you for a while now and am finally able to leave notes. You are a true inspiration! I need some of your will power. I can’t wait to read it either. I have read all of the others as well.

April 5, 2003

ryn: ah right. read that one. funny. Kisses

April 6, 2003

I just finished confessions of a shopaholic, I read it in one day, I need the next one badly.

ha ha. Glad you enjoyed class. They are fun but I only made it through about 45 minutes of the one I went to. But that was also riding on about 4 hours of sleep. Please don’t say you’re old. You are the same age as me, that means I’m old. 🙂 ~C~

April 7, 2003

ellipti-what? Remember I’m norwegian. It might be called something else over here. Please explain the devils toy and I will agree if I agree. LoL. kisses

April 10, 2003

I want a workout that leaves me sweating like a pig! Someday I’ll have the time lol