Just had to share…

I had a major NSV (nonscale victory) today. My company is changing it’s name worldwide. To celebrate the brand kickoff, corporate is allowing us to dress casual (woohoo!) on Monday. We were given t-shirts with the new company logo today in one size: XL. In the past, I’ve dodged t-shirt days with other companies because I knew the damn thing wouldn’t fit me. However, that was before WW. Not only does my XL t-shirt fit…it looks good! No pre-wear stretch needed. LOL

Some people may think this accomplishment isn’t a big deal. I’m wondering why those people are reading my diary. :p

Anyway, just had to share another small victory in this crazy weight loss battle.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!


FYI, I just realized today that I’m only 40 lbs away from being able to say I’ve lost 200 lbs. Good Lord! I want to hit that milestone so badly. LOL However, at my current weight loss rate, I won’t send out the 200 lb party invites until late 2004.

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that is sooo cool. I Know how you felt about fitting in the shirt. Thinner people take it for granted. You GO Girl!!! Put those shoulders back and show the logo!!!

April 4, 2003

High-fiving ya! I do know what a big deal it is! Way to go girlfriend!

Of COURSE it’s a big deal!! That rocks! I know I wouldn’t fit in it.

LOL….I dragged out my winter coat tonight because it’s FREEZING here in Philly. I noticed that it’s not only no longer feeling tight as a sausage casing, but it’s even comfortable when I sit down with it buttoned. (((Diva)))

Gotta love those NSV’s!!! I have one myself – I should post that, too đŸ™‚ Even when the number on the scale isn’t what we want, those NSV’s sure make us feel good, hm? CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

April 5, 2003

Yeah! Ofcourse that is a big deal. Like me, when I dug out all my old jeans and they fit. It made me delerious or however you spell it. Hey. I found you through poutine btw. Kisses

April 5, 2003

that’s a HUGE deal. that is so awesome! loves,

April 7, 2003

That is awesome!!! I had the same feeling when I fit into a 2X.

OK – I need to find my will power, my drive, my motivation…help!

April 7, 2003
