TRI Divided By 3…

As you know, I am participating in the Austin Danskin Triathlon this summer. After talking with the other tri divas, we’ve decided to enter as a relay team instead of individual participants. While all of our workout programs have been kicked up a notch, the question of feeling adequately prepared was discussed.

I think this thought was plaguing all of us, because an overwhelming sense of relief surfaced when the relay decision was made. Chesty will be taking the 1/2 mile swim, DonnainDallas will handle the 12 mile bike ride, and I will complete the event with a 5K run. Chesty and Donna plan to catch up with me so we can cross the finish line together. 🙂

I thought I would be disappointed about the change of plans, but I feel great about the decision. The excitement has returned to the group and it feels like a burden has been lifted. We will have a chance to experience the Danskin, get an accurate picture of what is involved, and plan to take the individual route in 2004.

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Glad your excited about the decision – I think it was wise, LOL : ) This was no small feat and for your 1st TRI, probably a good idea to share the load : ) On a similar note, I just decided that I’m not going to participate in the 5k I planned due to many reasons but : ) I’ll do it again though, and so will you! Best of luck!

March 27, 2003

The idea of it is making me exhausted! Good luck to you!

March 28, 2003

That was a great decision!

i think it’s a great idea – and crossing the finish line together is awesome!

March 28, 2003

YEAH!!! I really want to do a 5K this year but not sure if I will be up for it yet…

March 28, 2003

You know, I think that is a great idea. Good for ya’ll!

Sounds like a well thought out plan to me.

This has nothing to do with your entry, really, and I hate it when people do that to me, but I’m a big hypocrite. 🙂 AP is always talking about moving to Austin. Do you actually live there? Do you like it?

April 3, 2003

You know what, that sounds like a WISE decision! I’m proud of your girls!