Weigh Day: Mardi Gras Report

After an initial post-trip gain of 10.2 lbs from my trip, I am pleased to announce that I lost 9.2 at weigh-in today (hello, water retention). My official Mardi Gras gain was a mere 1 lb…hooray! With the hurricanes, daquiris, red beans & rice, beignets and mimosas, I am glad I escaped with only a pound of damage. I had a great time, so it’s all good. 🙂

My focus this week will be getting back into TRI mode. I have been putting off swimming, but it’s time to get started. The event is 3 months away, so I’ll be kicking things up a notch. My bike will arrive in 2 weeks, so I’m also looking forward to hitting the road.

Hope everyone is having a great week…

-C (still in detox mode)

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not bad at all…i most certainly wouldn’t have done so well!

That is so exceptional. When I read your entries, I think, you have really mastered balance. You went to NO, had a good time, didn’t obsess about weight and didn’t let yourself get off track. You came home and, really, no damage was done! Yet another testament of how amazing you are. 🙂

March 12, 2003

That is really freaking awesome! When I go on my cruise, I will, yet again, have weigh-in THE very day after I get back, ugh! THAT is NOT fair, lol.

Wow! Impressive! No doubt you did a lot of walking and boogying in Nawlins, too!

Glad you had such a great time. 🙂

March 13, 2003

That’s very cool. 🙂