Weigh Day: Finally…

The scale finally made a significant move today! I lost 5.4 this week…for a total of 157.4 lbs lost. My body has been holding out for awhile, but I figured all of the move activity would help me break through. Not only does the loss put me in a new decade, it also lowered my points range from 28-33 to 26-31. With 2 points gone from each end, I’ll be chewing my arm off next week…

I took my first Salsa class last night with Chesty and TheLass. Thanks to the cheesy Kathy Smith Latin Rhythms video, Chesty and I knew the basics and were able to keep up. The class was a good 60 minute workout and should provide a nice break from my triathlon schedule. Speaking of the TRI, I ordered my bike and it should be here in 3-4 weeks. Hooray! 🙂

Hope everyone is having a great week…if anyone wants to help Chesty and I clean the old apartment, let me know. I’m tempted to just torch the place and collect the apartment insurance $.


Edit to add: I’m starting my 100th week of WW!

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You go!

February 19, 2003


February 19, 2003

You go girl, wooo hooooo! I want to learn Salsa dancing! Way to go!

February 20, 2003

Congrats!!! Have a clean up party. Invite all your friends and supply refreshments. It’ll get done fast that way.

oooh Salsa – I love that stuff. Thanks for planting a thought in my head : )

Congrats on hitting the forties before me. I’m so jealous but so proud. RYN: I know you do, sweetie. Thanks.

February 21, 2003

woohoooo!!!!! almost regret missing the meeting…but then I wouldn’t have gotten to pratice my drinking skills! LOL