No Pain, No Pain

Yesterday I took a 6:00am Spinning class with Chesty and TheLassThatLost. Add that to the Step/Sculpt class from this morning and I am a sore heifer. Icy Hot, anyone?

Tonight was supposed to be the 150 lb milestone celebration, but I wasn’t feeling it. So…Chesty and I watched the Absolutely Fabulous in New York special and packed a few more boxes. We get the keys on 2/14…Happy Valentine’s Day! Did I mention that both of our bedrooms have their own patios? Ab Fab…

I decided on my 150 lb rewards:

Sony S2 Sports CD/MP3 Player…great for divas with active lifestyles (like moi).

Philosophy’s 3-in-1 set…pumpkin pie is my favorite.

PhatPrincessDiva will be here in less than a month and I can’t wait! Chesty and I are going to show her around Big D before heading to N’awlins. MG 2003 will definitely be a memorable trip. I will weigh approximately 50 lbs less than last year and Chesty plans to show off her $5k “investment”. If anyone sees N.O.P.D. on the caller ID, please pick up. LOL

Hope everyone is having a great weekend…


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Ha ha sounds like you guys are gonna have a great Mardi Gras! 🙂

LOL on the NOPD : )

February 10, 2003

Heh. 😉 Hope you had a good one and am pretty sure that soon enough you’ll be having more good ones. 🙂

February 11, 2003

You need to email me. I had a dream about you a few nights ago….it was very funny! I love your choice of rewards.

Hey Courtney, I’m still here. Have just been busy and not on the website at all. I’ll try and do an entry sometime tonight or tomorrow to catch up for not doing it. Lot’s of good things have been going on. Glad to see you are still on track with your program and doing well. Love Courtney