Binge Dreams?!?

I’ve been having major eating dreams. What is my problem??? It’s always the same scenario: I’m raiding the kitchen and eating everything in sight. The usual healthy food has been replaced with all of my “red light” weight gainers. When I wake up, I am overwhelmed by guilt…followed by relief when I realize it was a dream.

Any psych majors out there? I only took 3 hours of psych (mandatory) in college, so I’m definitely not going to attempt self-diagnosis.

I was going to write a bit about Trey…but I’ll just say that the jury is still out. Chesty is encouraging the situation…but when asked if she would date a man with a child, she laughs. LOL What a wench…

30 Days Until Mardi Gras 2003!!!

The health drama is slowly improving. After several days off, I’m gradually adding exercise to my daily routine again. The triathlon schedule will be changed slightly to reflect the missed time. I’ll be working with my GYN and PCP to get the fibroids under control. I do NOT have time for this medical crap…I have a triathlon to train for, dammit!

In other TRI news…

I am almost ready to decide on a bike.

Swim training will be slightly delayed while waiting for the female issues to clear up. Swimming while Aunt Flo is causing chaos? That’s crazy talk.

My friend Leigh has decided to join us at the Danskin. Crazy looooooves company.

I’m currently designing t-shirts for the TRI Divas. Not only are we going to finish the triathlon like Betty Badasses, but we’re going to look FABOO. 🙂

Pure Protein bars are terrible…NEVER again.

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I have a Psych degree. (A BA not a an MA or PhD). My first response would be that your worst fears are manifesting within your dreams. Maybe, because of the recent medical setback, you are concerned about moving backward (back to past habits) when you are being, essentially, forced to take a break from moving forward. And, perhaps, you are wanting to remind yourself of how you once…

felt (the guilt) to keep yourself in check from trying to go backward. Does that make sense? Soon enough you’ll be back to progressing forward and I’m sure whatever anxiety you have will disappear. I would have mixed feelings about dating a guy with a child. While it’s admirable he is taking responsibility, the reality is he has a lot of baggage. Personally, I always thought…

I would never date a father because I would never, ever come first in his life. And how could I ask him to make me a priority? His child should be his first priority. Too many conflicting feelings. RYN: I’m curious too. When a relationship contains so much fear it’s not destined for a hapy ending. But I do hope a genuine friendship can manifest.

February 2, 2003

i’ve had that dream, too

WOW! You have done wonderful on your weight loss! Congrats! I’m not really sure about the dream. I have had dreams like that before too though.

Dreams are amazing things. Funny how we can wake up with residue feelings.

i want to hear more about trey. =) hey look at it this way – he has a kid, but it could be worse. he could have a shrunken head growing from his shoulder. now THAT’D be a bit much to deal with!

Scorpio Moon gave the correct psych diagnosis. Never fear. Keep going. I wished I lived near you ladies so I could cheer you on during the race.

February 3, 2003

I’d go with Scorpio Moon on this one *hugs*