Weigh Day: Sick Day *updated*

**WARNING: This entry contains some serious TMI**

The Diva’s ass is being kicked by female issues. In early 2001, I experienced some cycle woes and was diagnosed with fibroids. My GYN put me on a stronger dosage of birth control pills (BCPs are known to shrink fibroids). After a few months, Aunt Flo returned to normal and all was well.

However…I believe they are back. I won’t get to see my GYN until next week, but the heavy flow, clotting (I warned ya!) and severe lower back pain tells all. I had to leave work early today and will most likely take the next 2 days off from work and exercise (which means my first time back at the gym will be hellish).

Needless to say, I skipped out on WW today. I plan to spend the next few days on the couch…cursing womanhood. Just wanted to let my peeps know that I’ll be MIA for a bit.

Hope you all are having a great week. Please send vodka, Darvocet, and heating pads.



I felt a little better this morning, so I went to my WW center and weighed in. I am up 2 lbs this week…but considering 0 exercise the past 5 days and the slight bloat factor from the female issues, I’m cool with it.

My GYN appointment is set for Wednesday, so hopefully I’ll get relief then. Last time she increased my birth control dosage to shrink the fibroids…and it turned me into a hormonal crybaby. Consider yourself warned…

I’m going for a walk at the track this morning. I’m tired of being inside the house and conversing with the dog.

Hope everyone has a great weekend…

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Every time I whine about my period, I’m going to remember this entry to put things in perspective. I can’t even imagine what you are going through. I hope your body calms down and you feel better soon. 🙂

evening primrose oil

January 30, 2003

I’m so sorry…Stay drugged up and try to rest. 🙂 *HUGS*

relax & feel better!

January 30, 2003


Feel better. Hugs

Youch — grab the heating pad and some Midol!! Hope you feel better soon. 🙂

Hope you feel better soon.