Take My Uterus…PLEASE!

To the inquiring minds…

Trey and I decided to postpone lunch on Sunday due to the little snow situation in Dallas. I was relieved to take a rain check because the red headed bitch Aunt Flo showed up yesterday…and my cramps are kicking like Bruce Lee. [side note: The person that claimed regular exercise takes the edge off of cramps lied like a big dog and should be punished]

Anyway, I had an interesting conversation with Trey yesterday. I got a little history of the ex (baby mama) and can honestly say she’s a piece of work. To his credit, he didn’t speak badly of her…but I won’t be that nice. This chick has NEVER had interest in her son. She attempted motherhood for 6 months and decided it wasn’t her cup of tea. Her plan was to ship the child off to her parents (out-of-state), so Trey stepped in and took full custody. The ex lives in Atlanta and doesn’t even call to talk to the little boy.

While I’m still getting used to the idea of possibly dating a man with a child, I have much respect for Trey. While I know women play the single parent role everyday (including my mom), it is refreshing to see a male taking the responsibility. I’ll keep the “Get Courtney a Date-So She Can Find A Husband Before Her Eggs Dry Up-Patrol” updated with details as they come. LOL Thanks for the emails…especially the ones with smutty first date ideas. Somehow I don’t think a saran wrap skirt and pasties are appropriate for Olive Garden…?

Weight training is going well…and I’m really enjoying it. I’m amazed at how strong I am. While the new routine may cause a gain on the scale this week, I know it will eventually even out. As Cecily said, one cannot be Serena-esque with cardio alone.

Hope everyone is having a great week…please send vodka and midol…

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Heh. You crack me up. 🙂

Vodka and Midol… why didnt I think of that!

LMAO! Saran wrap skirt…crazy. I dated a man with kids for a while there – it’s a bit much to get used to (that and if you get serious, you have to get the child used to the idea as well), but a man who takes on that responsibility rather than taking the “easy” way out has much to offer in my eyes.

January 14, 2003

To my fellow Courtney, a virtual Midol Vodka cocktail is headed your way… Be well.

See, I told you a guy like Trey is a gem for those reasons. He is a rare find. NOw that so called mother is a lost cause. How can you give up your baby in the way she did? If you did because you know you are unable to provide emotional, mental, physical support…then still be in contact. Phone, write, keep up with what is happening in the child’s life.That child now will grow up knowing that

the mother placed her feelings before his..that’s rough. Did you see that they have a heat patch to apply on abdomen to take away cramps?! It is a little ole thang. I would have to buy a couple of years’ worth to apply all over my obese belly.

i’m staying tuned for details.

No vodka. You know about the empty calories. Say yes to the Midol. I agree whoever said that exercise helps cramps lied their their butts off! Good luck with Trey. I know it’s not easy to date a man with kids but he seems to be a man worth getting to know and those are always in short supply. Say no the saran wrap skirt. That’s play attire, not date attire. 😉 Lol.

January 16, 2003

I think your choice in dinnerwear will be fine, considering the good judgement in what you won’t wear. 😉

weight training is fun isn’t it?