
I attended Katie Leslie’s memorial service this morning. As expected, the church was packed. I was impressed by the 20+ pilots that came to offer support. While death is always difficult to deal with, I cannot imagine the pain of losing a child.

Katie touched a lot of lives…and that was evident in the enormous show of support and love. I feel lucky to have known her…

Chesty and I are moving next month and I’m soooo looking forward to it. While the actual move will suck, I can’t wait to be in a new place…which translates to shopping for new stuff. 🙂

Triathlon training is going well. I’m actually enjoying Chesty’s weight training program…and I’m finding that I am stronger than I thought. February will be dedicated to swimming. It should be interesting to see how I can handle the ridiculous appetite that comes with pool play.

To the diarist that decided to shut me out, fearing I had a connection to her “real world”: I don’t know him personally…nor do I talk to him. He emailed me an addition for my website and I said thanks…that’s the extent of our “relationship”. While I did lose the chance to read a wonderful diary, you lost a genuinely supportive reader…who has enough integrity to not run and tell your personal business…especially to a total stranger…and that’s what he is.

Majority rules, so I agreed to have lunch with Trey tomorrow. While I’m not expecting anything special, I look forward to (cautiously) re-entering the dating game. The major weight gain caused a mutual separation from anything that resembled companionship. However, it’s time to play Stella and get my groove back. My Christmas debt prevents me from going to Jamaica (low-budget movie sequel)…so I’ll be groovin’ locally. LOL

Only 48 days until MARDI GRAS 2003!!!

Hope everyone is having a good weekend…


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It is amazing when you discover you are much stronger than you thought, isn’t it? Also, what is kind of cool is recognizing how certain muscles are much stronger than others. I can’t imagine anyone blocking you for such a paranoid reason. You’re right. They are missing out. 48 days will go by so fast! Good luck with the Trey experience. 🙂 Before I go, I have a question

…for you. When you first began to lose weight, or even the time when you were just thinking about it, did you find yourself having a fear that, no matter what you did, the weight would never come off–like it was there permanently and no matter what you did it would always stay? Have you come across people who have this (irrational) fear?

I will look forward to your Mardi Gras pictures : )

Have fun with Trey tomorrow.

Have fun on your date. You’re gonna be one buff Diva, aren’t you?

good luck on the date!

So. How was it? Inquiring minds want to know…

don’t worry about swimming, here’s a tip – have some carbs an hour before, but leave your main meal untilafterwards. Then you can consume many points and not exceed your total. I do something similar re karate as it makes me ravenous! (I’mnot doing WW, just watching what I eat generally)