Great American Transformation

Bill Phillips (author of the Body-for-Life) has issued a lofty challenge to American citizens. He wants the nation to commit to a healthier lifestyle and lose one million pounds of fat in 12 weeks. The challenge begins on January 6, 2003.

I joined today and pledged to lose 15 lbs by March 2003. Once you sign up, the site creates a pledge certificate with your promise. LOL I printed a copy for the fridge and my office…the two places that see me WAY too much.

If you’re interested in joining, please click here. You do NOT have to be a BFL follower to participate. The focus is on eating healthy and exercising…not a particular program.

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Sounds great – wish he had have made it a World-wide attempt though, bit silly for an Aussie to join the “Great American Transformation”! LOL Healthy Eating (rather than good luck) to all those participating!

December 29, 2002

off to check it out now…

Actually weight training is a great way to build muscle. BFL is pretty cool as a program, and you don’t have to try their shakes. WW is working well for you though, which is also good.

January 4, 2003


I think I’ll sign up!