Anyone Else Feel Like a Glazed Christmas Ham?

As a Catholic gal, I feel the need to confess. This past week has been a true eating fest. Between the 2 Christmas parties and yesterday’s feast, I have been a bad girl. I planned for Christmas to be a “free day”, but ended up having a free week. My home scale shows me up 4 lbs (which I know reflects a bit of water retention too…but most of it was earned). My WW center is closed until January 2nd, so my next official weigh-in will be a week from today. LOL Let Operation Damage Control/Anti-Bloat begin…

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday. I’ll write more when my fingers aren’t so swollen. :p

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burp! I’ve been overindulging too!

December 26, 2002

It’s so hard to not over-indulge during this time of the year…but you will get right back into the swing of things…I have confidence in you.

December 26, 2002

stick an apple in my mouth and hauling in on a silver platter. 😀 Did Santa think you were a good girl this year?

December 26, 2002

RMN(above): erm, that should be haul ME in. must be the drugged state…you know the 100cc of Egg Nog etc? 🙂 RYN: hell yes i’m ready. if i don’t get started my jeans are going to cut off my air…oh wait, they already have!

That looks vaguely familiar…hmmm: is it my ass, or is it my stomach???

Operation Damage Control…thats what I need.

Glad your weigh-in went better then expected.