Weigh Day: Closing in on a milestone…

I lost a pound yesterday and that brings my total to 149 lbs lost. My WW center is closed for the next two weeks, so I won’t be able to weigh-in until January 2nd. Surely I can knock another pound off in 2 weeks and reach the 150 milestone?!?

Overall, 2002 was a good year in my weight loss journey. Although the pace was considerably slower than last year (98 lbs lost in 2001 and 51 lbs in 2002), I learned quite a bit about myself:

*I am a determined diva. I fell off the wagon for a month and gain 9 lbs. While some people would have considered it the beginning of the end, the “incident” helped me refocus. I came back stronger than ever.

*I have no patience for toxic, unsupportive people. I don’t need everyone to be a cheerleader for me. However, if you turn to ME for support, it’s only right to expect the same in return.

*I have no love for haters. Stop drinking the Haterade and secretly hoping a person will fail.

*Sometimes the mental adjustments made during weight loss are more difficult than the physical.

*I am strong enough to train for a triathlon…and I will finish the event. LOL I may end up in the E.R. afterwards, but won’t I look so cute in my race t-shirt and finisher’s medal? đŸ™‚

I want to thank all of the great people that offered support, humor, and plenty of ass kicks this year. It’s nice to know that people understand this journey and want to see me succeed.

Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday!


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Amazing…150 lbs. Wow.

December 19, 2002

You are a very strong woman, and I’m glad I have your diary to read. I’m still nowhere near as dedicated to my weight loss as you are, but you still inspire me.

This just inspires me so much. It gives me hope that I can lose the weight I need to after I have this baby. My goal is 100lbs!! I hope I can be half as motivated and dedicated as you!

you’re doing great! merry christmas!

How great! I’m on a bit of a downslide right now, but I’m hoping that the vacation and new year will help me refocus.

Merry Christmas Diva – thanks for sharing your journal, I enjoy reading of your continued success! As said, you are an inspiration.