Weigh Day: Getting to the root of the problem…

Today’s Oprah show was about severe obesity. The guests were several women that weighed 350-450 lbs and it was truly a great show. While I don’t think one episode is going to change the general public’s attitude towards obesity, I think the experience will put some folks on the road to recovery.

I haven’t been able to determine what caused me to reach 400+ lbs. I took the attitude of the masses and just assumed it was my love of food/hatred of physical activity. I now understand that I didn’t reach 400 lbs just from loving to eat. A lot of people can name a traumatic experience or event that started their destructive cycle. I have nothing from my past that would cause me to use food as a pacifier. I’ve decided to see a therapist to help me find an explanation. Why? because being aware of the cause will hopefully help me avoid that road again.

I lost 2.8 lbs this week…for a total of 140.4 lbs. My goal is to reach the 150 lb mark by New Year’s. One last milestone before I turn into crazy TRI vixen. 🙂 Even though the scale is moving slowly these days, I took a progress picture to show how the inches are dropping. The picture is fuzzy, but it’ll do. My cheeks still look like I’m storing food for later, but they are a part of ME. I have to admire their determination and refusal to leave.

Until next time…


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I know what you mean. It’s hard to pinpoint whether weight gain is about bad habits or wanting to numb pain or both. It’s very cool that you’re going to peel back the layers and find out what’s going on beneath the surface. You’re starting to look so curvacious! I like your cheeks. 🙂

as you gain muscle you will seem to lose less weight, but will lose just as much fat as before

November 7, 2002

You’re looking great girl. Keep it up! 🙂 With the good activity, you’re getting stronger, not just thinner. Take some self defense courses and you’ll be dangerous. 😉

November 7, 2002

Your cheeks are adorable. 🙂 You’re looking great!

First of all, DAMN you look good! Awesome work! Secondly, even if there isn’t one traumatic event that caused you to use food in the wrong way part of it could be that this society uses food for EVERYTHING. Have a birthday, go eat, get a promotion, go eat, parents insist on children cleaning their plates and eating when they’re not hungry simply because it’s mealtime. I have been really (c)

thinking about this stuff lately because I am determined not to raise my daughter with unhealthy views on food and eating. Anyway I’ll get off my soapbox now.

You are such an inpiration to me!

November 7, 2002

RYN: Contrary? Its close to your real name and I’ve seen it used before as a ‘character name’. Sounds nice to me. 🙂

November 7, 2002

Looking great, C! 🙂

That show made me angry, but I do agree that it was an excellent show. You’re looking so excellent!

RYN: Ahhh – another great album. Honestly, I HATE the new look also – I have to admit though, the album really surprised me.

Congrats on the loss. You’re looking divalicious, girl! I watched the show, too, and found it really interesting. I know I didn’t get to my highest weight just because I loved carbs more than working out. It just takes some time to figure out what triggers got you to where you were because I’m right there with you trying to figure it all out.

I am so excited to hear that you are still with WW and doing so well! YA! Keep those pictures coming. They can be SO inspiring when you’re not feeling that you’re making enough progress. You can see that you SURELY are! Once again YAHOOOOO for you! XO 🙂

November 7, 2002

You look FANTASTIC! About the swimming part of your triathalon, my best advice would be to get out there and swim! One thing I’ve found about swimming laps is it’s incredibly dull, but it becomes a lot more fun with a coach and a structured workout. Check out http://www.usms.org/ for to find clubs near you. Many do not even require a membership but workouts can be attended on a drop-in basis.

November 7, 2002

Another piece of advice I can give is if the Triathalon you’re looking at is an open water swim, try to do some open water events before hand so you know what you’re getting into. If you join US Masters (for a nominal annual fee – see URL above) you can compete in any of the events. You’ll find people of all fitness levels and speeds at the races, and I’ve found them all quite a lot of fun!

November 7, 2002

Anyhow, good luck with the TRI! I’m excited for you. I’ve looked at doing a few, but haven’t managed to find anything shorter than an Olympic Triathalon (1500m swim/40k bike/10k run) that interested me. After doing each of the three races seperately, I know I’m not quite there yet! LOL! Perhaps I’ll look at the Danskin events – There’s one in Sacramento too!

RYN: The street interviews annoyed me, too, esp. old girl. Maybe girl’s mirror is broken or she’s in denial. I also wondered how safe it is to lose almost 300 pounds in almost a year. I also thought she did OA or TOPS maybe. What are they saying over at the WW boards?

RYN: I never ate that much, either. She was extreme and not the norm. It would have been nice to see someone who had a more commonplace diet than someone who clearly had a food addiction. It also would have been nice if they had shown someone who had conquered their weight problem in a timeframe that was more realistic. Some might think that Sam is the norm when that’s so far from the truth.

how tall are u? how did u decide on 170 as ur goal weight?