Race for the Cure…

Although the elements were against us, the rain and wind didn’t keep the dedicated folks from racing for the cure. Our event didn’t start until 8:15am, but most of us met up at 6:45 to beat the traffic. We made stops at various sponsor tents to pick up goodies:

-nifty Ford Race for the Cure bandana
-pink ribbon lapel pin
-wrist bands
-Calcium chews and KY Jelly samples…LOL Chews and lube! Lube and chews!
-Bic Softwin for Women shavers When Chesty approached the Bic table, the woman told her she couldn’t have one because she had to be at least 18. Chesty politely informed her she was 25…took the sample and walked off. LOL

We maintained a very quick pace for the entire 5K. I’m definitely feeling it today, but I’m not complaining. I’ve lost 58 lbs since the 2001 Dallas Komen and the fact I was able to walk faster is an accomplishment. Someone please pass the Icy Hot.

After the walk, Chesty and I ran a few errands and took my 2 year old cousin to the mall. This child knows how to work it. He went home with a Buzz Lightyear remote control car, spill-proof mug with shoulder strap, and 2 books (Bob the Builder and Scooby Doo Halloween stories, of course). Next weekend we’re taking him to Boo at the Zoo in Ft. Worth. The Little Prince is going to be Buzz…along with 500 other anklebiters.

Here are a few rainy pictures from the event…

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Ryn: Well I take my dog for a 1-2 hour hike every morning. I’ve lost 6 lbs doing it this week and I haven’t changed my eating habits at all. I’ve been doing to for well over a month now so I’m hoping to keep it up. I enjoy it, and my dog loves me more =) lol Take Care

dang, your little cousin sure racked up! šŸ™‚

One of these years, I’m going to participate in the this event… Rest up! Great job! šŸ™‚

LOL – chews and LUBE?? What were they thinkin’? Are you about to go off for a quickie when you see an appropriate bush?? LOL Am wondering what the powers that be were thinking when sourcing donations – oh yes, they could use some KY on their run/walk! hehe Great effort DIVA – well done!


I am so proud of you!

October 20, 2002

RYN: Well, you said you wanted to clone me, so I’m sure we could come to some sort of arrangement for my time.. I could fix your computer or something. šŸ˜‰ I can’t let just anyone go off with ideas of cloning the great nemo, now can I?

October 21, 2002

Great job! lube and chews…. that’s so funny!

looks like fun! I don’t run outside much because I’m not a big fan of running and running in cold air gives me asthma

I love the pics : ) I soooooo want to do this soon. I have 2 parades coming up in the next 6 weeks, LOL so that will get me prepared!