Weigh Day: I will lose this weight…

I weighed in tonight with a 1.2 lb loss. After a week of moderate cardio (a couple of Belly dancing sessions and Pilates), I’m pleased with the result. I now have 4.4 lbs left to lose from my hiatus gain of 9 lbs. The climb back on the wagon has been challenging, but definitely worth it. I hope to have the rest of my “sin” weight lost in the next few weeks…and then I can feel like I’m truly making progress again.

I’m not setting any major goals for the end of the year. I just want to lose as much weight as possible before triathlon training starts in January. Not that expect a HUGE loss by then…but the smaller my ass is, the easier the bike ride will be. 😉

The Komen Race for the Cure is this weekend and my work team is really excited. 40,000 women walking together for a great cause? I can’t think of a better way to spend a Saturday morning. 🙂 Pictures will be posted, of course.

Hope everyone is having a great week…


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October 16, 2002

That is a great loss, you’ll get caught up soon, I know it. Have a great walk this weekend!

i had a screw fixation in my hip and they said i shouldn’t go over 150 ever. i was 150 after the surgery & rehab. (so don’t eat right?, lol) i have only lost 6 lbs and staying disciplined is so hard! but i don’t want to lose what i have gained. i’d like to be 130 (pre-accident was 125). i want to have a baby but i want to get in shape first for my health during the pregnancy

I’m curious, what do you think of Pilates?

I am having problem lossing weight right now to.*Sigh*.I don’t look bad or anythig but I should lose some pounds.

October 17, 2002

Would you dedicate an entry to your exercise program? I’ve seen you mention a few things, but I want to know what you think works best. You’re great!

Good luck with the walk! Can’t wait to see pics.

October 17, 2002

Great work! Keep it up!

found you on the exercise and weight loss circle. I’m currently on a diet and do lots of sports so I was looking for other sporty people to help encouirage me to stay wawy from snickers bars!