Weigh Day: Century Club gets a new member

My loss a 0.2 lbs this week isn’t newsworthy. However, my pal Marc’s story is incredible. Not only did he reach the 100 lb milestone tonight…he made goal! I’ve had to play cheerleader via email this week to combat his weigh-day jitters. I must say it was very amusing to see a male get nervous over the scale like women do.

Marc is the 3rd member in my meeting to reach the 100 lb milestone. That has to be some sort of record…surely we deserve at least a made-for-TV movie?

I’m not disappointed about this week’s small loss. I had an AWESOME week of exercise, so it has to pay off at some point. I’m truly enjoying my new attitude towards weight loss. I’m back to celebrating and appreciating the smaller victories. You can’t rush perfection. LOL

While adding more clothes to the “too big-must go” box, I came across my “before” shirt from the Mardi Gras 2001 picture. Chesty sugguested I take a pic for comparison. Seeing them together is enough to make me steer clear of the Ben & Jerry’s section.

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Awesome. It is so neat to see your progress and it is motivating for you and your readers. I wished I was not afraid of the camera so I would have had pictures along this journey.

October 9, 2002

Kudos to your WW buddy! I swear WW needs to team up with the major retailors and get us some cool awards for having lost the weight! I’m gonna do new pics soon, this reminds me to do a shot in my old sweatpants, hehee! You’re a real cuite!

What an amazing accomplishment!!! That is awesome!

I love seeing your before and after pictures. Thank you for your note of advice and encouragement. I really appreciate it! I’m still having trouble getting back with the program, but … but … But … is the best I can do right now. I’m holding on by my fingernails and exercise, but I’m keeping track of what I’m eating, and that’s worth something, I suppose.

October 10, 2002

That is wonderful, Diva! Congrats to your friend.

Girl – LOOK AT YOU! You are an inspiration & your journey as a whole thus far has been an ENORMOUS victory. You should be incredibly proud of yourself.

October 10, 2002

Wow! Amazing! You look fabulous! Such an inspiration…I need to lose too. I was on weight watchers before…I need to start again.

You know it. I know it. Persistence pays off. I like what you said though, “you can’t rush perfection.” How true. How true. 🙂

good job 🙂

ryn: depends on who you think it is 😉 but probably so, yes.

October 10, 2002

I saw a note of yours on another diary…and I just have to say congrats on the weight lose! 🙂 I’m so jealous that you have the motivation to work out religiously… I’m…trying to start a routine, so far so good! We’ll see though 🙂

October 15, 2002

Oh. My. God. How EXCITING. I love this entry, I love the positive energy in it. There are no small losses! You are gorgeous and inspiring. Love,

WOOT!!! You go gurl!