
“Borrowed” from JenniferWilde.

Current book

I finished three books recently. Four Blondes by Candace Bushnell (author of Sex and the City), Savage by Robert Scott, a true crime shocker about serial killer Benjamin Pedro Gonzales and Nappily Ever After by Trisha R. Thomas.

Current cds

I listen to Nikka Costa on my way to work everyday. The last few nights I’ve been listening to the Jill Scott, Stevie Wonder’s Song Review, and some old Smashing Pumpkins. How is that for diversity? Or maybe a sign of a cluttered mind…

Current shame

Lusting after a married coworker…

Current link The Pumpkin Pie 3-in-1 is divine…

Current color


Current fetish

The married guy at work has his nipples pierced and it’s hot. How many Hail Mary’s do I have to say for even thinking that? Oy vey…

Current drink


Current favorite favorite

I heart them all…

Current wish-list

-Continued good health and happiness
-Manhattan Transfer CD box set
-150 lb star by Christmas
-Taye Diggs

Current favorite song

Luv U Better-LL Cool J :::swoon:::

Current favorite film


Current triumph

Getting my WW groove back…

Current celebrity crush

James Gandolfini (Tony Soprano for those living in a cave…)

Current indulgence

Relaxing bubble baths after the gym. Candles, music and a psycho schnauzer attempting to jump in with me…

Current mood

Happy…it’s chilly outside! Very Fall-like…it will probably be 95 in a couple of days. Texas weather makes me ill.

I must add that the married guy and I were talking about piercings and tattoos and he TOLD me his nipples were pierced. What kind of girl do you all think I am?!? That’s rhetorical, so please don’t answer it…

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Hmm, how do you know this married guy at work has pierced nipples?

I had the same thought CO did! How DO you know? đŸ™‚ What did you think of the Candace Bushnell book? I read SATC years ago and hated her writing style. I’m with you about JG. He is hot. đŸ™‚ Have you started doing strength training yet?

I think you’ll need to do a Rosary for the married man lust. Lol. And like everyone else, I’m also dying to know how you know the married man’s nips are pierced. RYN: Yes, we will have to go to Church so I can pray in advance for all the sinning I will do in NOLA!

October 9, 2002

Ok, Diva…’fess up. We all want to know about the married man’s pierced nipples. đŸ™‚

October 9, 2002
October 9, 2002

You have a psycho schnauzer too? And it tries to get into the bathtub with you?? That’s too funny!!