Weigh Day: Damage Control #374

The cost of my 4 week excursion to the dark (fat) side? 9 pounds. Fortunately, I purchased a roundtrip ticket, so I’ve returned to the Land of WW. Last night I lost 1.8 lbs at weigh-in. It may not seem like much to most people, but it was sweet to finally see a loss after a string of gains. So…I have 7.2 pounds of sin left to remove. It will probably take me 6 weeks to do it, but c’est la vie.

I skipped my meeting due to birthday plans, but my leader had everyone sing Happy Birthday before I left…very nice. 🙂 Last night I met several friends for the birthday dinner and had a great time. The Birthday Loot Report: Mommy Dearest gave me $$$…Chesty paid for my enrollment at 24 hour fitness…My “friend” Jeff gave me a Lane Bryant gift certificate…Bath and Body Works goodies from my coworker *C*…candles from ‘cole…and a B&N gift certificate from fellow bookworm, LW.

Hope everyone is having an ab fab week. Today is the beginning of my WW boot camp. I pulled out the Week 1 book, so let Operation Fresh Start begin. 🙂

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GOOD LUCK! You’re off to another great start it seems.

I am so glad to see you back! It sounds like you had a wonderful birthday. 🙂 Will write more about what “bootcamp” will consist of? How is the triathlon training coming along? And are you still thinking about strength training? Also, because of you I was inspired to start a weight loss diary here. I’d love for you to check it out. Diarist name: Xaria

September 19, 2002

Sounds like you had a better time last night than I did with my pizza. LOL. RYN: yeah yeah, i know maintaining isn’t the option right now, but i’m ready to strangle someone out of sheer frustration.

September 19, 2002

You got lots of really good stuff!!! I’m happy for you.

Ooh Jeff! You have to tell me the scoop on that one!

RYN: I have the bellydancing twins videos, too. I’m trying to work these hips any way possible that’s legal. ‘-)

September 20, 2002

RYN-pic: not that it’s really bizzare for us to think the same thing, but that’s exactly what we did. as i was righting that entry i had my x-mas 2000 pic in my head. *shudder*

Happy Birthday and nice presents. I usually don’t get any…but I do treat myself to something nice. So, far, I have scheduled a facial for Tuesday -2 days before my birthday.