Weigh Day: Hmm…what to say?

I’ll keep this short and sour…

I’ve been seriously slacking the last couple of weeks. Exercise? No. Water? Pitiful. Journal? Not at ALL.

My “vacation” from weight loss structure (and sanity) resulted in a total gain of 6 lbs in the last 3 weeks. Life has been total chaos lately, but that’s not an excuse. I am slowly trying to recharge my motivation. The Big 3 Holidays will be here soon and I need to be in ass kicking mode to avoid the typical pitfalls.

So…today I went back to basics. Water, exercise, journal…simple concept…sometimes hard to follow faithfully. TheLass and I pulled out our before pictures at the meeting last night. We both agreed that we aren’t going back THERE again…so the only option is to move forward, right?

Hope everyone is having a great week…


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Don’t let the scale get to you. You’re a veteran and I know you’ll see the scale change in the direction you want very soon. How are things on the cpu front? I hope you’re back up and running soon, girl!

September 6, 2002

No journey is without side trips. Got good vibes rolling your way. 🙂

September 6, 2002

Good eating…(or less eating)…(I don’t want to say good luck cuz I know there is no luck involved)

September 6, 2002

I hope your life isn’t getting too out of control. I’ve missed reading your updates.

Yahoo! So great to hear that your commitment is still there! None of us are perfect and the fact that you know what you need to do to get back on track speaks volumes. You CAN do it! Best of luck!

September 12, 2002

Hang in there, kiddo. It’ll come off quickly! Miss you!

Look at the big picture – you are an inspiration & an incredible success story! I just (finally) hit my first meeting on Thursday. Do you know of any good places to get recipes??

I just wanted to leave a note to say Happy Birthday. I hope you had a wonderful celebration. 🙂 Hurry back. I miss your updates and your wonderful spirit. 🙂 I hope you are doing ok. 🙂