Stolen…tsk tsk

1) Name: Courtney aka WW Diva and Coco Faboo (Thanks Jenn…LOL)

2) Birthday: 9/18/77…coming soon…*ahem*

3) Last time you showered: 2 hours ago…after punishing the treadmill

4) What color pants do you have on right now? Gray shorts

5) What is the last thing you said?: “Bentley, stop barking!”

6) What is the color of your computer desk?: black

7) What song are you listening to right now?: Like a Feather-Nikka Costa…I’m telling ya, the CD rocks

8) Last 4 digits in your phone #: 9056

9) Last thing you ate: Balance bar

10) Weirdest name you have ever heard: Ocie

11) Favorite radio station: anything that plays R&B, jazz, and classical…

12) If you were a crayon, what color would you be?: Red

13) Last movie you saw: xXx :::swoon:::

14) Where do you wanna go on your honeymoon?: Negril

15) Have you ever really been in love?: Unfortunately

16) Who do you wanna marry right now?: No desire to have an owner yet… 🙂

17) Last book you read: Soul Mates Dissipate-Mary B. Morrison

18) Do you have a pager?: Yes…2 way…very attached

19) Lava lamp: Chesty and I had one in our Disco Inferno dorm room…

20) How many bud’s on buddy list?: 15-20

21) What’s the weather?: HOT….Hello? I’m in Texas…

22) Brandy or Monica?: Monica…Brandy gets on my nerves…

23) What did you do last night?: Went for a hike at the nature center; watched Sex & the City

24) Have you ever been skinny dipping?: with all this bounce to the ounce? Umm, no…

25) Who are you talking to online right now?: my friend J

Where is 26?

27) Screen name: anything with vixen, 69, or kitten in it…LOL Kidding, Mom…save the lecture call.

28) Sexiest thing about the opposite sex: eyes

29) If you had a genie what wishes would you make? 1. Health and happiness for myself, friends and family 2. Live a full life with no regrets

30) Favorite CD: Hmm…how about artists? Dave Matthews Band, Manhattan Transfer, Dave Brubeck, Jill Scott, india.arie, Etta James, Blues Traveler, Sarah McLachlan

31) Where ya going tomorrow?: B&N, grocery store, possibly the library…

32) Who do you most admire?: Mommy Dearest

33) Favorite Backstreet Boy/*NSYNC/Spice Girl: No favorites here

34) Do you like the person who sent this to you?: I got this from Milenka and she’s a sweetie pie…

35) If you were stuck on a deserted island, who would you want to be there with you: Vin, of course…and Morris Chestnut…and Boris Kodjoe…

36) Would you pierce your nose, tongue, or bellybutton?: bellybutton at goal…if they can find it with the excess skin. TMI, huh?

37) Be serious or funny?: sarcasm is my thing…serious or funny is your decision.

38) Boxers or briefs? how about nekkid?

39) Whole or Skim Milk?: Skim

40) Single or taken?: Singleton

41) Simple or complicated?: Simply complicated?

42) Law or anarchy?: a mix of both keeps things interesting

43) Grey or Gray?: Gray

44) Night or Day?: Night

45) Sunrise or Sunset?: Sunset

46) Rap or Rock?: A little of both…

47) Stay up late or get up early?: Both…that’s why I’m dragging ass almost everyday…

48) Is it POP or SODA?: POP

49) X or O in Tic-Tac-Toe?: X

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You always crack me up. 🙂 This was fun to read. 🙂

August 20, 2002

I like this. 🙂

August 20, 2002

RYN: I thought that ‘Chick Flick’ was a term used by men and women. Sort of new vocabulary or something. 😉

You can’t have Boris. He’s my secret husband. Shh…don’t tell anyone. You’ve got Vin…he’s enough man for you. 😉

August 20, 2002

Glad ya enjoyed it! 🙂

nikka costa rox my sox! 🙂

RYN: Gees, you can be such a girl sometimes. Of course I luv ya! You know had to get sarcastic with the Diva 🙂

RYN: Thanks for much for the note of encouragement. I have been doing pretty well on trying to stick to my own diet lately.. but tonight I stopped a DQ for a treat because I thought I had “earned” it…the first few bites tasted ok…but then I just felt awful..UGH.. oh well. I really appreciate your note. If you have a chance sometime I’d love to hear more about WW and how it works..Thanks:)